Daniel Archambault
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Cited by
Animation, small multiples, and the effect of mental map preservation in dynamic graphs
D Archambault, H Purchase, B Pinaud
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (4), 539-552, 2010
A review of temporal data visualizations based on space-time cube operations
B Bach, P Dragicevic, D Archambault, C Hurter, S Carpendale
Eurographics conference on visualization, 2014
Topolayout: Multilevel graph layout by topological features
D Archambault, T Munzner, D Auber
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 13 (2), 305-317, 2007
GrouseFlocks: Steerable exploration of graph hierarchy space
D Archambault, T Munzner, D Auber
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 14 (4), 900-913, 2008
A descriptive framework for temporal data visualizations based on generalized space‐time cubes
B Bach, P Dragicevic, D Archambault, C Hurter, S Carpendale
Computer graphics forum 36 (6), 36-61, 2017
Fully automatic visualisation of overlapping sets
P Simonetto, D Auber, D Archambault
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (3), 967-974, 2009
D Auber, D Archambault, R Bourqui, M Delest, J Dubois, A Lambert, ...
Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining, 1-28, 2017
Mental map preservation helps user orientation in dynamic graphs
D Archambault, HC Purchase
Graph Drawing 7704, 475-486, 2013
Exploring the limits of complexity: A survey of empirical studies on graph visualisation
V Yoghourdjian, D Archambault, S Diehl, T Dwyer, K Klein, HC Purchase, ...
Visual Informatics 2 (4), 264-282, 2018
Difference map readability for dynamic graphs
D Archambault, HC Purchase, B Pinaud
Graph Drawing: 18th International Symposium, GD 2010, Konstanz, Germany …, 2011
Evaluation of graph sampling: A visualization perspective
Y Wu, N Cao, D Archambault, Q Shen, H Qu, W Cui
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (1), 401-410, 2016
Structural differences between two graphs through hierarchies
D Archambault
Graphics Interface, 87--94, 2009
The “map” in the mental map: Experimental results in dynamic graph drawing
D Archambault, HC Purchase
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 71 (11), 1044-1055, 2013
The tulip 3 framework: A scalable software library for information visualization applications based on relational data
D Auber, D Archambault, R Bourqui, A Lambert, M Mathiaut, P Mary, ...
INRIA, 2012
Grouse: Feature-Based, Steerable Graph Hierarchy Exploration.
D Archambault, T Munzner, D Auber
EuroVis 2007, 67-74, 2007
Ambiguityvis: Visualization of ambiguity in graph layouts
Y Wang, Q Shen, D Archambault, Z Zhou, M Zhu, S Yang, H Qu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22 (1), 359-368, 2015
Crowdsourcing versus the laboratory: towards human-centered experiments using the crowd
U Gadiraju, S Möller, M Nöllenburg, D Saupe, S Egger-Lampl, ...
Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments …, 2017
Can animation support the visualisation of dynamic graphs?
D Archambault, HC Purchase
Information Sciences 330, 495-509, 2016
The mental map and memorability in dynamic graphs
D Archambault, HC Purchase
2012 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 89-96, 2012
ThemeCrowds: Multiresolution summaries of twitter usage
D Archambault, D Greene, P Cunningham, N Hurley
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Search and mining user …, 2011
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Articles 1–20