Arien Heryansyah
Arien Heryansyah
Ibnu Khaldun University, Bogor (UIKA)
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Trends in rainfall and rainfall-related extremes in the east coast of peninsular Malaysia
OO Mayowa, SH Pour, S Shahid, M Mohsenipour, SB Harun, ...
Journal of Earth System Science, 1-14, 2015
Isodose mapping of terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate of Selangor state, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, Malaysia
MSM Sanusi, AT Ramli, HT Gabdo, NN Garba, A Heryanshah, H Wagiran, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 135, 67-74, 2014
Assessment of impact of urbanisation on background radiation exposure and human health risk estimation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
MSM Sanusi, AT Ramli, W Hassan, MH Lee, A Izham, MN Said, ...
Environment international 104, 91-101, 2017
Oil palm plantations management effects on productivity Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB)
I Idayu, E Supriyanto
APCBEE procedia 8, 282-286, 2014
Peluang Dan Tantangan Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Mbkm) Di Fakultas Teknik Dan Sains UIKA BOGOR
SA Hudjimartsu, MN Prayudyanto, S Permana, A Heryansyah
Educate: Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 7 (1), 58-70, 2022
Occurrence of natural radioactivity and corresponding health risk in groundwater with an elevated radiation background in Juban District, Yemen
WA Abdurabu, MA Saleh, AT Ramli, A Heryansyah
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-12, 2016
The activity concentrations of 222Rn and corresponding health risk in groundwater samples from basement and sandstone aquifer; the correlation to physicochemical parameters
WA Abdurabu, AT Ramli, MA Saleh, A Heryansyah
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 127, 34-41, 2016
Long term historic changes in the flow of lesser Zab River, Iraq
R Ali, A Ismael, A Heryansyah, N Nawaz
Hydrology 6 (1), 22, 2019
Thorium distribution in the soils of Peninsular Malaysia and its implications for Th resource estimation
MSM Sanusi, AT Ramli, NA Basri, A Heryanshah, MN Said, MH Lee, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 80, 522-535, 2017
Investigation of geological and soil influence on natural gamma radiation exposure and assessment of radiation hazards in Western Region, Peninsular Malaysia
MSM Sanusi, AT Ramli, H Wagiran, MH Lee, A Heryanshah, MN Said
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-12, 2016
Terrestrial gamma dose rate, radioactivity and radiological hazards in the rocks of an elevated radiation background in Juban District, Ad Dali’Governorate, Yemen
WA Abdurabu, AT Ramli, MA Saleh, A Heryansyah, A Alnhary, S Fadhl
Journal of Radiological Protection 36 (1), 163, 2016
Indonesia second national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
RG Dewi
Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia, 2010
A water balance approach for assessing the potential source of water in Dohuk Dam for agricultural, domestic and tourism purposes
MA Fulazzaky, A Heryansyah, MH Solaiman, Z Yusop
Water Policy 19 (2), 322-340, 2017
Predicting terrestrial gamma dose rate based on geological and soil information: case study of Perak state, Malaysia
MSMSNZHAH A T Ramli, N H Apriantoro, A Heryansyah, N A Basri
Journal of Radiological Protection 36 (1), 20-36, 2016
Significance of the easy-to-use water quality checker for participative environmental monitoring and experience based learning
A Kikuchi, L Hakim, A Heryansyah, R Romaidi
Journal of Tropical Life Science 1 (1), 17-21, 2010
Assessment of safety performance level on simple urban residential building: Case study at Bogor city Indonesia
M Lutfi, H Arien, M Hendrawati, PJ Ramadhansyah, NI Ramli
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 712 (1), 012004, 2020
Streamflow prediction in ungauged catchments in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia using multivariate statistical techniques
SA Razaq, T Ismail, A Heryansyah, M Alamgir, SH Pour
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (6-12), 2016
Optimizing Supply Chain Collaboration Based on Agreement Buyer-Supplier Relationship with Network Design Problem
W Sutopo, A Erliza, A Heryansyah
Makara Journal of Technology 20 (3), 2, 2016
Rainfall runoff modeling by multilayer perceptron neural network for Lui River catchment
N Nawaz, S Harun, R Othman, A Heryansyah
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (6-12), 2016
Runoff modeling as a basis of a water quality hydrological model for Cidanau watershed, Banten Province, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 3^< rd> seminar of Toward Harmonization between …, 2004
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Articles 1–20