Yongbing Xu
Yongbing Xu
Chair Professor in Nanotechnology; Director, York-Nanjing Joint Center, The University of York,
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Cited by
Evolution of the ferromagnetic phase of ultrathin Fe films grown on GaAs (100)-4× 6
YB Xu, ETM Kernohan, DJ Freeland, A Ercole, M Tselepi, JAC Bland
Physical Review B 58 (2), 890, 1998
Room-temperature intrinsic ferromagnetism in epitaxial CrTe2 ultrathin films
X Zhang, Q Lu, W Liu, W Niu, J Sun, J Cook, M Vaninger, PF Miceli, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2492, 2021
Planar carbon nanotube–graphene hybrid films for high-performance broadband photodetectors
Y Liu, F Wang, X Wang, X Wang, E Flahaut, X Liu, Y Li, X Wang, Y Xu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8589, 2015
A robust and tuneable mid-infrared optical switch enabled by bulk Dirac fermions
C Zhu, F Wang, Y Meng, X Yuan, F Xiu, H Luo, Y Wang, J Li, X Lv, L He, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14111, 2017
A light-stimulated synaptic device based on graphene hybrid phototransistor
S Qin, F Wang, Y Liu, Q Wan, X Wang, Y Xu, Y Shi, X Wang, R Zhang
2D Materials 4 (3), 035022, 2017
Graphene Q-switched 2.78 μm Er3+-doped fluoride fiber laser
C Wei, X Zhu, F Wang, Y Xu, K Balakrishnan, F Song, RA Norwood, ...
Optics letters 38 (17), 3233-3236, 2013
Tm3Fe5O12/Pt Heterostructures with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy for Spintronic Applications
A Quindeau, CO Avci, W Liu, C Sun, M Mann, AS Tang, MC Onbasli, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 3 (1), 1600376, 2017
Heusler alloy/semiconductor hybrid structures
A Hirohata, M Kikuchi, N Tezuka, K Inomata, JS Claydon, YB Xu, ...
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2), 93-107, 2006
Evidence of both surface and bulk Dirac bands and anisotropic nonsaturating magnetoresistance in ZrSiS
X Wang, X Pan, M Gao, J Yu, J Jiang, J Zhang, H Zuo, M Zhang, Z Wei, ...
Adv. Electron. Mater 2 (10), 1600228, 2016
Handbook of spintronics
Y Xu, DD Awschalom, J Nitta
Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2016
Sensitive and Ultrabroadband Phototransistor Based on Two‐Dimensional Bi2O2Se Nanosheets
T Tong, Y Chen, S Qin, W Li, J Zhang, C Zhu, C Zhang, X Yuan, X Chen, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (50), 1905806, 2019
Broadband Bi2O2Se Photodetectors from Infrared to Terahertz
Y Chen, W Ma, C Tan, M Luo, W Zhou, N Yao, H Wang, L Zhang, T Xu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (14), 2009554, 2021
Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Moringa oleifera leaves and their functional chemical constituents
GL Chen, YB Xu, JL Wu, N Li, MQ Guo
Food chemistry 333, 127478, 2020
Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of half-metallic on GaAs(100)
YX Lu, JS Claydon, YB Xu, SM Thompson, K Wilson, G Van der Laan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (23), 233304, 2004
Magnetization reversal and magnetoresistance in a lateral spin-injection device
WY Lee, S Gardelis, BC Choi, YB Xu, CG Smith, CHW Barnes, DA Ritchie, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 85 (9), 6682-6685, 1999
Carbon nanotube mode-locked thulium fiber laser with 200 nm tuning range
Y Meng, Y Li, Y Xu, F Wang
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45109, 2017
Direct Observation of Domain Wall Scattering in Patterned and Ni Nanowires <?format ?>by Current-Voltage Measurements
S Lepadatu, YB Xu
Physical review letters 92 (12), 127201, 2004
Enhancing Magnetic Ordering in Cr-Doped Bi2Se3 Using High-TC Ferrimagnetic Insulator
W Liu, L He, Y Xu, K Murata, MC Onbasli, M Lang, NJ Maltby, S Li, ...
Nano letters 15 (1), 764-769, 2015
Anisotropic lattice relaxation and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in F e/I n A s (100)− 4× 2
YB Xu, DJ Freeland, M Tselepi, JAC Bland
Physical Review B 62 (2), 1167, 2000
Single crystal Fe films grown on InAs (100) by molecular beam epitaxy
YB Xu, ETM Kernohan, M Tselepi, JAC Bland, S Holmes
Applied physics letters 73 (3), 399-401, 1998
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Articles 1–20