Natalie Amgott
Natalie Amgott
Associate Director of Online Language Learning, Carnegie Mellon University
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Cited by
Cited by
Scaffolding multimodal composition with emergent bilingual students
MB Pacheco, BE Smith, A Deig, NA Amgott
Journal of Literacy Research 53 (2), 149-173, 2021
Critical literacy in# DigitalActivism: Collaborative choice and action
N Amgott
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 35 (5), 329-341, 2018
“It made me think in a different way”: Bilingual students’ perspectives on multimodal composing in the English language arts classroom
BE Smith, N Amgott, I Malova
Tesol Quarterly 56 (2), 525-551, 2022
L2 multimodal composing abroad: Remixing languages, cultures, and identities
N Amgott
L2 Journal 12 (3), 2020
Translanguaging within multimodal composition products and processes: A systematic review
MB Pacheco, BE Smith, N Combs, E., Amgott
Pedagogies 17 (4), 389-407, 2022
Embodied modes in L2 French video reflections: Supporting metalinguistic awareness, organization, and community
N Amgott, JA Gorham
Foreign Language Annals 56 (2), 501-523, 2023
“The challenge was fun”: Critical literacy and growth mindset in L2 multiliteracies
N Amgott
System 113, 103000, 2023
Expanding Meaning-Making Possibilities: Bilingual Students’ Perspectives on Multimodal Composing
BE Smith, I Malova, N Amgott
Multimodal composing in K-16 ESL and EFL education: Multilingual …, 2021
“Je Suis Youtubeur”: Multilingual Multimodal Composing Abroad
N Amgott
Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-17, 2022
Le français dans la diversité de ses pratiques à la mesure d’un quartier montréalais
H Blondeau, M Tremblay, N Amgott, M ZIANI
communication présentée au congrès bisannuel de l’American Council for …, 2014
L’emploi des marqueurs discursifs en français chez des Montréalais francophones issus de l’immigration latinoaméricaine
N Amgott
mémoire de maîtrise, French and Francophone Studies, University of Florida …, 2015
Embodying intercultural communicative competence in French L2 video reflections: Illustrating skills, knowledge, and attitudes
JA Gorham, N Amgott
Multimodality & Society 4 (1), 80-107, 2024
Donde su visión se hace realidad
N Amgott
Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World 35, 341, 2021
Implementing and Evaluating Multiliteracies in College French: A Nested Case Study
N Amgott
The University of Arizona, 2022
Vlogging Abroad: L2 multimodal
N Amgott
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Articles 1–15