Isabel H. Manssour
Isabel H. Manssour
Associate Professor at School of Technology, PUCRS
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OpenGL: uma abordagem prática e objetiva
M Cohen, IH Manssour
Novatec editora, 2006
System and method for automatic page layout
JBS Oliveira, IH Manssour, RFB Piccoli, AK Seki, MS Klein
US Patent 9,348,801, 2016
Developing apps for visually impaired people: Lessons learned from practice
E Ghidini, WDL Almeida, IH Manssour, MS Silveira
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 5691-5700, 2016
Visualizing inner structures in multimodal volume data
IH Manssour, SS Furuie, SD Olabarriaga, CMDS Freitas
Proceedings. XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image …, 2002
A new approach for automatic detection of tactile paving surfaces in sidewalks
MC Ghilardi, RCO Macedo, IH Manssour
Procedia computer science 80, 662-672, 2016
Introdução à computação gráfica.
IH Manssour, M Cohen
RITA 13 (2), 43-68, 2006
Crosswalk localization from low resolution satellite images to assist visually impaired people
MC Ghilardi, JCS Jacques, I Manssour
IEEE computer graphics and applications 38 (1), 30-46, 2016
Framework para construção de pacientes virtuais: uma aplicação em laparoscopia virtual
C Freitas, IH Manssour, LP Nedel, JK Gavião, TC Paim, A Maciel
Proc. Symp. on Virtual Reality, 283-294, 2003
Towards a domain-specific language for geospatial data visualization maps with big data sets
C Ledur, D Griebler, I Manssour, LG Fernandes
2015 IEEE/ACS 12th International Conference of Computer Systems and …, 2015
A framework to visualize and interact with multimodal medical images
I Manssour, S Furuie, L Nedel, C Freitas
Volume Graphics 2001: Proceedings of the Joint IEEE TCVG and Eurographics …, 2001
Real-time detection of pedestrian traffic lights for visually-impaired people
MC Ghilardi, G Simoes, J Wehrmann, IH Manssour, RC Barros
2018 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
Confidence in programming skills: Gender insights from stackoverflow developers survey
KK Silveira, S Musse, IH Manssour, R Vieira, R Prikladnicki
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2019
Collaborative visualization in medicine
IH Manssour, CM Dal Sasso Freitas
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2000
Visualization in the preprocessing phase: Getting insights from enterprise professionals
AMP Milani, FV Paulovich, IH Manssour
Information Visualization 19 (4), 273-287, 2020
A high-level dsl for geospatial visualizations with multi-core parallelism support
C Ledur, D Griebler, I Manssour, LG Fernandes
2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2017
Augmented reality environment for life support training
F Pretto, IH Manssour, MHI Lopes, ER da Silva, MS Pinho
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 836-841, 2009
Analyzing design strategies for narrative visualization
E Ghidini, CQ Santos, I Manssour, MS Silveira
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian symposium on human factors in computing …, 2017
Visualização volumétrica
IH Manssour, CMDS Freitas
Revista de informática teórica e aplicada. Porto Alegre. Vol. 9, n. 2 (out …, 2002
7x1PT: um Corpus extraído do Twitter para Análise de Sentimentos em Língua Portuguesa
SMW Moraes, IH Manssour, MS Silveira
Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem …, 2015
Document layout
JBS De Oliveira, IH Manssour, RF Piccoli, N Cogo, R Chamun
US Patent App. 13/619,798, 2014
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20