Sunho Lim
Cited by
Cited by
A novel caching scheme for improving internet-based mobile ad hoc networks performance
S Lim, WC Lee, G Cao, CR Das
Ad Hoc Networks 4 (2), 225-239, 2006
RandomCast: An Energy-Efficient Communication Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
S Lim, C Yu, CR Das
Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on 8 (8), 1039-1051, 2009
Clustered mobility model for scale-free wireless networks
S Lim, C Yu, CR Das
Proceedings. 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 231-238, 2006
A lightweight and privacy-preserving mutual authentication and key agreement protocol for Internet of Drones environment
C Pu, A Wall, KKR Choo, I Ahmed, S Lim
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (12), 9918-9933, 2022
A novel caching scheme for internet based mobile ad hoc networks
S Lim, WC Lee, G Cao, CR Das
Proceedings. 12th International Conference on Computer Communications and …, 2003
A light-weight countermeasure to forwarding misbehavior in wireless sensor networks: design, analysis, and evaluation
C Pu, S Lim
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (1), 834-842, 2016
Performance comparison of cache invalidation strategies for Internet-based mobile ad hoc networks
S Lim, WC Lee, G Cao, CR Das
2004 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE …, 2004
Cache invalidation strategies for internet-based mobile ad hoc networks
S Lim, WC Lee, G Cao, CR Das
Computer communications 30 (8), 1854-1869, 2007
Active detection in mitigating routing misbehavior for MANETs
C Pu, S Lim, J Chae, B Jung
Wireless Networks 25, 1669-1683, 2019
Cooperative Cache Invalidation Strategies for Internet-based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
S Lim, C Yu, CR Das
Computer Communications and Networks, 2009. ICCCN 2009. Proceedings of 18th …, 2009
Analysis of attack models via unified modeling language in wireless sensor networks: A survey study
S Hong, S Lim
2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking …, 2010
A lightweight and anonymous authentication and key agreement protocol for wireless body area networks
C Pu, H Zerkle, A Wall, S Lim, KKR Choo, I Ahmed
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (21), 21136-21146, 2022
Mitigating stealthy collision attack in energy harvesting motivated networks
C Pu, S Lim, B Jung, M Min
MILCOM 2017-2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 539-544, 2017
Spy vs. spy: Camouflage-based active detection in energy harvesting motivated networks
C Pu, S Lim
MILCOM 2015-2015 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 903-908, 2015
Hop-by-Hop cooperative detection of selective forwarding attacks in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
S Lim, L Huie
2015 international conference on computing, networking and communications …, 2015
EYES: Mitigating forwarding misbehavior in energy harvesting motivated networks
C Pu, S Lim, B Jung, J Chae
Computer Communications 124, 17-30, 2018
Lightweight forwarding protocols in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
C Pu, T Gade, S Lim, M Min, W Wang
2014 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1053-1059, 2014
Unified modeling language based analysis of security attacks in wireless sensor networks: a survey
SH Hong, SH Lim, JK Song
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 5 (4), 805-821, 2011
Rcast: A randomized communication scheme for improving energy efficiency in MANETs
S Lim, C Yu, CR Das
25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS …, 2005
Cache invalidation strategies for Internet-based vehicular ad hoc networks
S Lim, C Yu, CR Das
Computer Communications, 2011
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Articles 1–20