Maurizio Cirrincione
Maurizio Cirrincione
professor of Control Systems, UTBM, USP
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Cited by
Neural MPPT control of wind generators with induction machines without speed sensors
M Pucci, M Cirrincione
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (1), 37-47, 2010
Current harmonic compensation by a single-phase shunt active power filter controlled by adaptive neural filtering
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Vitale, A Miraoui
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (8), 3128-3143, 2009
A single-phase DG generation unit with shunt active power filter capability by adaptive neural filtering
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Vitale
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (5), 2093-2110, 2008
A new experimental application of least-squares techniques for the estimation of the induction motor parameters
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Cirrincione, GA Capolino
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 39 (5), 1247-1256, 2003
An MRAS-based sensorless high-performance induction motor drive with a predictive adaptive model
M Cirrincione, M Pucci
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (2), 532-551, 2005
The MCA EXIN neuron for the minor component analysis
G Cirrincione, M Cirrincione, J Herault, S Van Huffel
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 13 (1), 160-187, 2002
MRAS speed observer for high-performance linear induction motor drives based on linear neural networks
M Cirrincione, A Accetta, M Pucci, G Vitale
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 28 (1), 123-134, 2012
Power converters and AC electrical drives with linear neural networks
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Vitale
CRC Press, 2017
Sensorless control of PMSM fractional horsepower drives by signal injection and neural adaptive-band filtering
A Accetta, M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Vitale
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (3), 1355-1366, 2011
A new adaptive integration methodology for estimating flux in induction machine drives
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Cirrincione, GA Capolino
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 19 (1), 25-34, 2004
Robust active disturbance rejection control of induction motor systems based on additional sliding-mode component
F Alonge, M Cirrincione, F D’Ippolito, M Pucci, A Sferlazza
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (7), 5608-5621, 2017
Input–output feedback linearization control with on-line MRAS-based inductor resistance estimation of linear induction motors including the dynamic end effects
F Alonge, M Cirrincione, M Pucci, A Sferlazza
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52 (1), 254-266, 2015
Neural sensorless control of linear induction motors by a full-order Luenberger observer considering the end effects
A Accetta, M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Vitale
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (3), 1891-1904, 2013
Sensorless control of induction machines by a new neural algorithm: The TLS EXIN neuron
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Cirrincione, GA Capolino
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (1), 127-149, 2007
Disturbance-observer-based complementary sliding-mode speed control for PMSM drives: A super-twisting sliding-mode observer-based approach
YC Liu, S Laghrouche, D Depernet, A Djerdir, M Cirrincione
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (5 …, 2020
A prototype of a fuel cell PEM emulator based on a buck converter
G Marsala, M Pucci, G Vitale, M Cirrincione, A Miraoui
Applied Energy 86 (10), 2192-2203, 2009
Multiple constrained MPC design for automotive dry clutch engagement
M Pisaturo, M Cirrincione, A Senatore
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 20 (1), 469-480, 2014
An adaptive speed observer based on a new total least-squares neuron for induction machine drives
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Cirrincione, GA Capolino
IEEE transactions on industry applications 42 (1), 89-104, 2006
Active disturbance rejection control of linear induction motor
F Alonge, M Cirrincione, F D’Ippolito, M Pucci, A Sferlazza
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (5), 4460-4471, 2017
Constrained minimization for parameter estimation of induction motors in saturated and unsaturated conditions
M Cirrincione, M Pucci, G Cirrincione, GA Capolino
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (5), 1391-1402, 2005
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Articles 1–20