Chengzong Pang
Cited by
Cited by
BEVs/PHEVs as dispersed energy storage for V2B uses in the smart grid
C Pang, P Dutta, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 3 (1), 473-482, 2011
Fast distance relay scheme for detecting symmetrical fault during power swing
C Pang, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4), 2205-2212, 2010
Demand side management by using electric vehicles as distributed energy resources
C Pang, M Kezunovic, M Ehsani
2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, 1-7, 2012
PHEVs as dynamically configurable dispersed energy storage for V2B uses in the smart grid
C Pang, P Dutta, S Kim, M Kezunovic, I Damnjanovic
IET Digital Library, 2010
Determining optimal forming of flexible microgrids in the presence of demand response in smart distribution systems
A Mohsenzadeh, C Pang, MR Haghifam
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (4), 3315-3323, 2017
王晓云, 李宝树, 庞承宗
电力科学与工程, 49-51, 2002
Two stage residential energy management under distribution locational marginal pricing
A Mohsenzadeh, C Pang
Electric Power Systems Research 154, 361-372, 2018
ANFIS‐fuzzy logic based UPQC in interconnected microgrid distribution systems: Modeling, simulation and implementation
UK Renduchintala, C Pang, KM Tatikonda, L Yang
The Journal of Engineering 2021 (1), 6-18, 2021
Optimal siting and sizing of electric vehicle public charging stations considering smart distribution network reliability
A Mohsenzadeh, C Pang, S Pazouki, M Haghifam
2015 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2015
Electric vehicles as configurable distributed energy storage in the smart grid
C Pang, V Aravinthan, X Wang
2014 Clemson University Power Systems Conference, 1-5, 2014
A low cost sensor based autonomous and semi-autonomous fire-fighting squad robot
SVPK Maddukuri, UK Renduchintala, A Visvakumar, C Pang, ...
2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design …, 2016
Neuro-fuzzy based UPQC controller for Power Quality improvement in micro grid system
UK Renduchintala, C Pang
2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1-5, 2016
Merging PMU, operational, and non-operational data for interpreting alarms, locating faults and preventing cascades
M Kezunovic, C Zheng, C Pang
2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-9, 2010
ANFIS‐fuzzy logic based UPQC in interconnected microgrid distribution systems: Modeling, simulation and implementation
KM Tatikonda, UK Renduchintala, C Pang, L Yang
2021 The Authors. The Journal of Engineering published by John Wiley & Sons …, 2021
Oscillation analysis of a DFIG-based wind farm interfaced with LCC-HVDC
L Yang, XN Xiao, CZ Pang
Science China Technological Sciences 57, 2453-2465, 2014
Transient stability assessment of a power system using multi-layer SVM method
Q Wang, C Pang, H Alnami
2021 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 1-5, 2021
Optimal planning of parking lots and demand response programs in distribution network considering power loss and voltage profile
A Mohsenzadeh, S Pazouki, MR Haghifam, C Pang
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2015
Impact of smart home management strategies on expected lifetime of transformer
A Mohsenzadeh, MH Kapourchali, C Pang, V Aravinthan
2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1-5, 2016
Electromagnetic shielding techniques in the wireless power transfer system for charging inspection robot application
C Jiao, Y Xu, X Li, X Zhang, Z Zhao, C Pang
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2021 (1), 9984595, 2021
PHEVs as dynamically configurable dispersed energy storage
M Kezunovic, R Baldick, I Damnjanovic, C Pang, S Kim, D Tuttle, ...
Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Final Project Report. Phoenix, AZ …, 2011
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Articles 1–20