Leon Feinstein
Leon Feinstein
Children’s Commissioner’s Office; University of Sussex, LSE
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School readiness and later achievement.
GJ Duncan, CJ Dowsett, A Claessens, K Magnuson, AC Huston, ...
Developmental psychology 43 (6), 1428, 2007
Inequality in the early cognitive development of British children in the 1970 cohort
L Feinstein
Economica 70 (277), 73-97, 2003
What are the effects of education on health
L Feinstein, R Sabates, TM Anderson, A Sorhaindo, C Hammond
Measuring the effects of education on health and civic engagement …, 2006
Attainment in secondary school
L Feinstein, J Symons
Oxford Economic Papers 51 (2), 300-321, 1999
The Contribution of Adult Learning to Health and Social Capital. Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report.
L Feinstein, C Hammond, L Woods, J Preston, J Bynner
The Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of …, 2003
The importance of cognitive development in middle childhood for adulthood socioeconomic status, mental health, and problem behavior
L Feinstein, J Bynner
Child development 75 (5), 1329-1339, 2004
Childhood and adolescent predictors of alcohol use and problems in adolescence and adulthood in the National Child Development Study
JL Maggs, ME Patrick, L Feinstein
Addiction 103, 7-22, 2008
The relative economic importance of academic, psychological and behavioural attributes developed on childhood
L Feinstein
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic …, 2000
Education and the family: Passing success across the generations
L Feinstein, K Duckworth, R Sabates
Routledge, 2008
Sheepskin or Prozac: The causal effect of education on mental health
A Chevalier, L Feinstein
University College Dublin. Geary Institute, 2007
The role of education in the uptake of preventative health care: the case of cervical screening in Britain
R Sabates, L Feinstein
Social science & medicine 62 (12), 2998-3010, 2006
Parenting behaviours and children’s development from infancy to early childhood: Changes, continuities and contributions
LM Gutman, L Feinstein
Early Child Development and Care 180 (4), 535-556, 2010
The social and personal benefits of learning: A summary of key research findings
J Vorhaus, K Duckworth, D Budge, L Feinstein
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of …, 2008
A Model of the Inter-generational Transmission of Educational Success [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 10]
L Feinstein, K Duckworth, R Sabates
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of …, 2004
Dietary patterns related to attainment in school: the importance of early eating patterns
L Feinstein, R Sabates, A Sorhaindo, I Rogers, D Herrick, K Northstone, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 62 (8), 734-739, 2008
The labour market impact of adult education and training: a cohort analysis
A Vignoles, F Galindo‐Rueda, L Feinstein
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 51 (2), 266-280, 2004
Quantitative Estimates of the Social Benefits of Learning, 2: Health (Depression and Obesity). Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report.
L Feinstein
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of …, 2002
What is the relationship between child nutrition and school outcomes?[Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 18]
A Sorhaindo, L Feinstein
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of …, 2006
Young people's leisure contexts and their relation to adult outcomes
L Feinstein, J Bynner, K Duckworth
Journal of youth studies 9 (3), 305-327, 2006
Wider benefits of education: skills, higher education and civic engagement
J Bynner, T Schuller, L Feinstein
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 49 (3), 341-361, 2003
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