Mondher Maddouri
Mondher Maddouri
University of Sfax (Tunisia), University of Jeddah (KSA)
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Cited by
An experimental survey on big data frameworks
W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo
Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 546-564, 2018
Protein sequences classification by means of feature extraction with substitution matrices
R Saidi, M Maddouri, E Mephu Nguifo
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-13, 2010
Density-based data partitioning strategy to approximate large-scale subgraph mining
S Aridhi, L d'Orazio, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo
Information Systems 48, 213-223, 2015
A new feature selection method for nominal classifier based on formal concept analysis
M Trabelsi, N Meddouri, M Maddouri
Procedia Computer Science 112, 186-194, 2017
A comparative study on streaming frameworks for big data
W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo
VLDB 2018-44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases: Workshop …, 2018
A data mining approach based on machine learning techniques to classify biological sequences
M Maddouri, M Elloumi
Knowledge-Based Systems 15 (4), 217-223, 2002
Towards a machine learning approach based on incremental concept formation
M Maddouri
Intelligent Data Analysis 8 (3), 267-280, 2004
An incremental learning system for imprecise and uncertain knowledge discovery
M Maddouri, S Elloumi, A Jaoua
Information Sciences 109 (1-4), 149-164, 1998
Feature extraction in protein sequences classification: a new stability measure
R Saidi, S Aridhi, EM Nguifo, M Maddouri
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology …, 2012
Encoding of primary structures of biological macromolecules within a data mining perspective
M Maddouri, M Elloumi
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 19, 78-88, 2004
A Formal Concept Analysis Approach to Discover Association Rules from Data.
M Maddouri
CLA, 10-21, 2005
A novel MapReduce-based approach for distributed frequent subgraph mining
S Aridhi, L d'Orazio, M Maddouri, E Mephu
Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) 2014, 2014
Boosting formal concepts to discover classification rules
N Meddouri, M Maddouri
Next-Generation Applied Intelligence: 22nd International Conference on …, 2009
Classification methods based on formal concept analysis
N Meddouri, M Meddouri
Concept Lattices and Their Applications,(CLA'08), Palacky University, Olomouc, 2008
Parallel learning and classification for rules based on formal concepts
N Meddouri, H Khoufi, M Maddouri
Procedia Computer Science 35, 358-367, 2014
Comparing graph-based representations of protein for mining purposes
R Saidi, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo
Proceedings of the KDD-09 Workshop on Statistical and Relational Learning in …, 2009
Prediction of ionizing radiation resistance in bacteria using a multiple instance learning model
S Aridhi, H Sghaier, M Zoghlami, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo
Journal of Computational Biology 23 (1), 10-20, 2016
On semantic properties of interestingness measures for extracting rules from data
M Maddouri, J Gammoudi
International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 148-158, 2007
A distributed and incremental algorithm for large-scale graph clustering
W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo
Future Generation Computer Systems 134, 334-347, 2022
Adaptive learning of nominal concepts for supervised classification
N Meddouri, M Maddouri
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 14th …, 2010
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Articles 1–20