Chamila Rupasinghe
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Cited by
Dual role of the exocyst in AMPA receptor targeting and insertion into the postsynaptic membrane
NZ Gerges, DS Backos, CN Rupasinghe, MR Spaller, JA Esteban
The EMBO journal 25 (8), 1623-1634, 2006
Rapid activation of CLOCK by Ca2+‐dependent protein kinase C mediates resetting of the mammalian circadian clock
HS Shim, H Kim, J Lee, GH Son, S Cho, TH Oh, SH Kang, DS Seen, ...
EMBO reports 8 (4), 366-371, 2007
A thermodynamic ligand binding study of the third PDZ domain (PDZ3) from the mammalian neuronal protein PSD-95
D Saro, T Li, C Rupasinghe, A Paredes, N Caspers, MR Spaller
Biochemistry 46 (21), 6340-6352, 2007
Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced retinal neuronal death by polyarginine peptides is linked to the attenuation of stress-induced hyperpolarization of the inner …
J Marshall, KY Wong, CN Rupasinghe, R Tiwari, X Zhao, ED Berberoglu, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (36), 22030-22048, 2015
Chemically modified peptides targeting the PDZ domain of GIPC as a therapeutic approach for cancer
CR Patra, CN Rupasinghe, SK Dutta, S Bhattacharya, E Wang, ...
ACS Chemical Biology 7 (4), 770-779, 2012
A cyclic peptide targeted against PSD-95 blocks central sensitization and attenuates thermal hyperalgesia
BW LeBlanc, M Iwata, AP Mallon, CN Rupasinghe, DJ Goebel, J Marshall, ...
Neuroscience 167 (2), 490-500, 2010
T7 phage display as a method of peptide ligand discovery for PDZ domain proteins
SC Sharma, A Memic, CN Rupasinghe, ACE Duc, MR Spaller
Peptide Science: Original Research on Biomolecules 92 (3), 183-193, 2009
RGS-GAIP–interacting protein controls breast cancer progression
L Wang, JS Lau, CR Patra, Y Cao, S Bhattacharya, S Dutta, D Nandy, ...
Molecular Cancer Research 8 (12), 1591-1600, 2010
A novel caspase 8 selective small molecule potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death
O Bucur, G Gaidos, A Yatawara, B Pennarun, C Rupasinghe, J Roux, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9893, 2015
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of linear and cyclic peptide ligands for PDZ10 of the multi-PDZ domain protein MUPP1
SC Sharma, CN Rupasinghe, RB Parisien, MR Spaller
Biochemistry 46 (44), 12709-12720, 2007
The interplay between structure-based design and combinatorial chemistry
CN Rupasinghe, MR Spaller
Current opinion in chemical biology 10 (3), 188-193, 2006
Targeting receptor tyrosine kinases and their downstream signaling with cell‐penetrating peptides in human pulmonary artery smooth muscle and endothelial cells
J Yu, C Rupasinghe, JL Wilson, L Taylor, N Rahimi, D Mierke, P Polgar
Chemical biology & drug design 85 (5), 586-597, 2015
A cell permeable peptide targeting the intracellular loop 2 of endothelin B receptor reduces pulmonary hypertension in a hypoxic rat model
DS Green, C Rupasinghe, R Warburton, JL Wilson, CO Sallum, L Taylor, ...
PLoS One 8 (11), e81309, 2013
killerFLIP: a novel lytic peptide specifically inducing cancer cell death
B Pennarun, G Gaidos, O Bucur, A Tinari, C Rupasinghe, T Jin, R Dewar, ...
Cell Death & Disease 4 (10), e894-e894, 2013
Selection of heptapeptides that bind helix 69 of bacterial 23S ribosomal RNA
M Kaur, CN Rupasinghe, E Klosi, MR Spaller, CS Chow
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 21 (5), 1240-1247, 2013
Small‐molecule inhibitors of JC polyomavirus infection
A Yatawara, G Gaidos, CN Rupasinghe, BA O'Hara, M Pellegrini, ...
Journal of Peptide Science 21 (3), 236-242, 2015
Modulating the dysregulated migration of pulmonary arterial hypertensive smooth muscle cells with motif mimicking cell permeable peptides
JL Wilson, C Rupasinghe, A Usheva, R Warburton, C Kaplan, L Taylor, ...
Current topics in peptide & protein research 16, 1, 2015
Gallic acid-based small-molecule inhibitors of JC and BK polyomaviral infection
BA O’Hara, C Rupasinghe, A Yatawara, G Gaidos, DF Mierke, WJ Atwood
Virus research 189, 280-285, 2014
Enhancing and limiting endothelin‐1 signaling with a cell‐penetrating peptide mimicking the third intracellular loop of the ETB receptor
CO Sallum, JL Wilson, C Rupasinghe, E Berg, J Yu, DS Green, L Taylor, ...
Chemical biology & drug design 80 (3), 374-381, 2012
Chemically-modified peptides targeting the PDZ domain of GIPC as a therapeutic approach for cancer
D Mukhopadhyay
ACS chemical biology 14 (10), 2327, 2015
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Articles 1–20