Aldo Eloizo Job
Aldo Eloizo Job
Laboratório de Tecnologia de Borrachas e Aplicações - LTBA - FCT
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Thermal analysis of chitosan based networks
CGT Neto, JA Giacometti, AE Job, FC Ferreira, JLC Fonseca, MR Pereira
Carbohydrate polymers 62 (2), 97-103, 2005
Thermoplastic starch/natural rubber blends
AJF Carvalho, AE Job, N Alves, AAS Curvelo, A Gandini
Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (1), 95-99, 2003
Effective chromium removal from water by polyaniline-coated electrospun adsorbent membrane
G Dognani, P Hadi, H Ma, FC Cabrera, AE Job, DLS Agostini, BS Hsiao
Chemical Engineering Journal 372, 341-351, 2019
Thermal and photochemical stability of poly (vinyl alcohol)/modified lignin blends
DM Fernandes, AAW Hechenleitner, AE Job, E Radovanocic, ...
Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (5), 1192-1201, 2006
Study of the carbon dioxide chemical fixation—activation by guanidines
FS Pereira, ER deAzevedo, EF da Silva, TJ Bonagamba, ...
Tetrahedron 64 (43), 10097-10106, 2008
Phase transition in poly (vinylidene fluoride) investigated with micro-Raman spectroscopy
CJL Constantino, AE Job, RD Simões, JA Giacometti, V Zucolotto, ...
Applied spectroscopy 59 (3), 275-279, 2005
Lignin from sugar cane bagasse: extraction, fabrication of nanostructured films, and application
AA Pereira, GF Martins, PA Antunes, R Conrrado, D Pasquini, AE Job, ...
Langmuir 23 (12), 6652-6659, 2007
Thermal studies of chitin–chitosan derivatives
FS Pereira, DL da Silva Agostini, AE Job, ERP González
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 114, 321-327, 2013
Conductive composites of natural rubber and carbon black for pressure sensors
AE Job, FA Oliveira, N Alves, JA Giacometti, LHC Mattoso
Synthetic metals 135, 99-100, 2003
Thermal degradation of both latex and latex cast films forming membranes: combined TG/FTIR investigation
D Agostini, C Constantino, A Job
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 91 (3), 703-707, 2008
Cationic dialdehyde nanocellulose from sugarcane bagasse for efficient chromium (VI) removal
X Huang, G Dognani, P Hadi, M Yang, AE Job, BS Hsiao
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (12), 4734-4744, 2020
Structural and electric-optical properties of zinc phthalocyanine evaporated thin films: temperature and thickness effects
AA Zanfolim, D Volpati, CA Olivati, AE Job, CJL Constantino
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (28), 12290-12299, 2010
Sugarcane bagasse fiber as semi-reinforcement filler in natural rubber composite sandals
FFG de Paiva, VPK de Maria, GB Torres, G Dognani, RJ dos Santos, ...
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, 326-335, 2019
Microscopia de varredura por força: uma ferramenta poderosa no estudo de polímeros
PSP Herrmann, MAP da Silva, R Bernardes Fº, AE Job, LA Colnago, ...
Polímeros 7, 51-61, 1997
Comparison of Botryosphaeran production by the ascomyceteous fungus Botryosphaeria sp., grown on different carbohydrate carbon sources, and their partial …
RM Steluti, EC Giese, MM Piggato, AFG Sumiya, LG Covizzi, AE Job, ...
Journal of Basic Microbiology: An International Journal on Biochemistry …, 2004
Exploiting distinct molecular architectures of ultrathin films made with iron phthalocyanine for sensing
D Volpati, P Alessio, AA Zanfolim, FC Storti, AE Job, M Ferreira, A Riul Jr, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (48), 15275-15282, 2008
Recycling leather waste: Preparing and studying on the microstructure, mechanical, and rheological properties of leather waste/rubber composite
RJ Santos, DLS Agostini, FC Cabrera, ER Budemberg, AE Job
Polymer Composites 36 (12), 2275-2281, 2015
Magnetic properties of vulcanized natural rubber nanocomposites as a function of the concentration, size and shape of the magnetic fillers
FS Bellucci, FCL de Almeida, MAL Nobre, MA Rodríguez-Pérez, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 85, 196-206, 2016
Thermal inkjet printing of polyaniline on paper
TC Gomes, CJL Constantino, EM Lopes, AE Job, N Alves
Thin Solid Films 520 (24), 7200-7204, 2012
Natural rubber foams with anisotropic cellular structures: Mechanical properties and modeling
L Oliveira-Salmazo, A Lopez-Gil, F Silva-Bellucci, AE Job, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 80, 26-35, 2016
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Articles 1–20