Angelos Georghiou
Angelos Georghiou
Assistant Professor of Operations Management, Department of Business and Public Administration
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Cited by
Primal and dual linear decision rules in stochastic and robust optimization
D Kuhn, W Wiesemann, A Georghiou
Mathematical Programming 130, 177-209, 2011
Generalized decision rule approximations for stochastic programming via liftings
A Georghiou, W Wiesemann, D Kuhn
Mathematical Programming 152, 301-338, 2015
Design of near optimal decision rules in multistage adaptive mixed-integer optimization
D Bertsimas, A Georghiou
Operations Research 63 (3), 610-627, 2015
Robust optimal control with adjustable uncertainty sets
X Zhang, M Kamgarpour, A Georghiou, P Goulart, J Lygeros
Automatica 75, 249-259, 2017
Binary decision rules for multistage adaptive mixed-integer optimization
D Bertsimas, A Georghiou
Mathematical Programming 167, 395-433, 2018
Robust dual dynamic programming
A Georghiou, A Tsoukalas, W Wiesemann
Operations Research 67 (3), 813-830, 2019
The decision rule approach to optimization under uncertainty: methodology and applications
A Georghiou, D Kuhn, W Wiesemann
Computational Management Science 16 (4), 545-576, 2019
The power of diversity: Data-driven robust predictive control for energy-efficient buildings and districts
G Darivianakis, A Georghiou, RS Smith, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 132-145, 2017
A stochastic optimization approach to cooperative building energy management via an energy hub
G Darivianakis, A Georghiou, RS Smith, J Lygeros
2015 54th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 7814-7819, 2015
Balancing bike sharing systems through customer cooperation-a case study on London's Barclays Cycle Hire
P Aeschbach, X Zhang, A Georghiou, J Lygeros
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4722-4727, 2015
Racing miniature cars: Enhancing performance using stochastic MPC and disturbance feedback
A Liniger, X Zhang, P Aeschbach, A Georghiou, J Lygeros
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 5642-5647, 2017
A primal–dual lifting scheme for two-stage robust optimization
A Georghiou, A Tsoukalas, W Wiesemann
Operations Research 68 (2), 572-590, 2020
Performance guarantees for model-based approximate dynamic programming in continuous spaces
PN Beuchat, A Georghiou, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (1), 143-158, 2019
Robust optimization with decision-dependent information discovery
P Vayanos, A Georghiou, H Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.08490, 2020
The decision rule approach to optimisation under uncertainty: Methodology and applications in operations management
A Georghiou, W Wiesemann, D Kuhn
Available on Optimization Online, submitted for publication, 2011
The REPOP toolbox: Tackling polynomial optimization using relative entropy relaxations
O Karaca, G Darivianakis, P Beuchat, A Georghiou, J Lygeros
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 11652-11657, 2017
Convex approximation of chance-constrained MPC through piecewise affine policies using randomized and robust optimization
X Zhang, A Georghiou, J Lygeros
2015 54th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 3038-3043, 2015
Community treatment order outcomes in Quebec: A unique jurisdiction
D Frank, E Fan, A Georghiou, V Verter
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 65 (7), 484-491, 2020
On the optimality of affine decision rules in robust and distributionally robust optimization
A Georghiou, A Tsoukalas, W Wiesemann
Available at Optimization Online, 2021
Distributionally robust parametric maximum likelihood estimation
VA Nguyen, X Zhang, J Blanchet, A Georghiou
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 7922-7932, 2020
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Articles 1–20