Predictions of inner-shell Coulomb ionization by heavy charged particles JM Hansteen, OM Johnsen, L Kocbach Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 15 (4), 305-317, 1975 | 310 | 1975 |
Determination of void fraction and flow regime using a neural network trained on simulated data based on gamma-ray densitometry E Åbro, VA Khoryakov, GA Johansen, L Kocbach Measurement Science and Technology 10 (7), 619, 1999 | 107 | 1999 |
Low-lying negative-parity states in the vibrational nuclei P Vogel, L Kocbach Nuclear Physics A 176 (1), 33-46, 1971 | 96 | 1971 |
Interference effects in the ionization of H2 by fast charged projectiles L Nagy, L Kocbach, K Póra, JP Hansen Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35 (20), L453, 2002 | 90 | 2002 |
Review of the sca method for inner shell ionization-results, limitations and possibilities L Kocbach, JM Hansteen, R Gundersen Nuclear Instruments and Methods 169 (2), 281-291, 1980 | 87 | 1980 |
Nondipole ionization dynamics of atoms in superintense high-frequency attosecond pulses M Førre, JP Hansen, L Kocbach, S Selstø, LB Madsen Physical review letters 97 (4), 043601, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Approximate corrections for electronic relativistic effects in K-shell ionization of atoms by ions PA Amundsen, L Kocbach, JM Hansteen Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 9 (8), L203, 1976 | 75 | 1976 |
Angular dependence of probability for proton-induced Cu K-shell ionization at large scattering angles JU Andersen, L Kocbach, E Laegsgaard, M Lund, CD Moak Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 9 (18), 3247, 1976 | 73 | 1976 |
The semiclassical approximation for L-and M-shell Coulomb ionization by heavy charged particles L Kocbach Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 9 (13), 2269, 1976 | 67 | 1976 |
The influence of projectile Coulomb deflection on the process of inner shell ionization by heavy charged particles L Kocbach Bergen Univ.(Norway). Dept. of Physics, 1975 | 64 | 1975 |
Differential cross sections for high-energy electron capture in the impulse approximation JS Briggs, PT Greenland, L Kocbach Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 15 (17), 3085, 1982 | 58 | 1982 |
Orientation and alignment effects for capture in multiply charged-ion–atom collisions JP Hansen, L Kocbach, A Dubois, SE Nielsen Physical review letters 64 (21), 2491, 1990 | 50 | 1990 |
Ground-based measurements and modeling of solar UV-B radiation in Lhasa, Tibet G Norsang, L Kocbach, W Tsoja, JJ Stamnes, A Dahlback, P Nema Atmospheric Environment 43 (8), 1498-1502, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
Electronic relativistic effects in the K-shell Coulomb ionization of heavy atoms by massive charged particles PA Amundsen, L Kocbach Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8 (7), L122, 1975 | 47 | 1975 |
Ejection angles of fast delta electrons from K-shell ionisation induced by energetic ions JP Hansen, L Kocbach Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 22 (3), L71, 1989 | 45 | 1989 |
On the evaluation of SCA matrix elements for inner shell ionization by heavy charged particles L Kocbach Zeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei 279 (3), 233-236, 1976 | 45 | 1976 |
Spatial distribution and temporal variation of solar UV radiation over the Tibetan Plateau G Norsang, L Kocbach, J Stamnes, W Tsoja, N Pincuo Applied Physics Research 3 (1), 37, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Branching ratios for E1 transitions deexciting the octupole states in even-even deformed nuclei L Kocbach, P Vogel Physics Letters B 32 (6), 434-436, 1970 | 39 | 1970 |
Total K–Shell Coulomb Ionization Cross Sections at Very Low Projectile Energies JM Hansteen, L Kocbach, A Graue Physica Scripta 31 (1), 63, 1985 | 38 | 1985 |
Excitation in ion-atom collisions inside subfemtosecond laser pulses LB Madsen, JP Hansen, L Kocbach Physical review letters 89 (9), 093202, 2002 | 36 | 2002 |