Yanhui Han 韩彦辉
Yanhui Han 韩彦辉
Aramco, Shell, Halliburton, Itasca
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FLAC 原理, 实例与应用指南
刘波, 韩彦辉
人民交通出版社, 2005
LBM–DEM modeling of fluid–solid interaction in porous media
Y Han, PA Cundall
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2013
Lattice Boltzmann modeling of pore‐scale fluid flow through idealized porous media
Y Han, PA Cundall
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 67 (11), 1720-1734, 2011
The granular and polymer composite nature of kerogen-rich shale
YN Abousleiman, KL Hull, Y Han, G Al-Muntasheri, P Hosemann, ...
Acta Geotechnica 11, 573-594, 2016
DEM micromechanical modeling and laboratory experiment on creep behavior of salt rock
W Li, Y Han, T Wang, J Ma
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 46, 38-46, 2017
Interaction between proppant compaction and single-/multiphase flows in a hydraulic fracture
M Fan, J McClure, Y Han, Z Li, C Chen
SPE Journal 23 (04), 1290-1303, 2018
On the stability of colonnade structural systems under static and dynamic loading conditions
V Sarhosis, P Asteris, T Wang, W Hu, Y Han
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14, 1131-1152, 2016
Investigation of pore structure changes in Mesozoic water-rich sandstone induced by freeze-thaw process under different confining pressures using digital rock technology
B Liu, Y Ma, N Liu, Y Han, D Li, H Deng
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2014
Using an experiment/simulation-integrated approach to investigate fracture-conductivity evolution and non-Darcy flow in a proppant-supported hydraulic fracture
M Fan, J McClure, Y Han, N Ripepi, E Westman, M Gu, C Chen
SPE Journal 24 (04), 1912-1928, 2019
Analytical solution for the response of an existing tunnel induced by above-crossing shield tunneling
B Liu, Z Yu, Y Han, Z Wang, R Zhang, S Wang
Computers and Geotechnics 124, 103624, 2002
Experimental and numerical investigations of the role of proppant embedment on fracture conductivity in narrow fractures (includes associated errata)
M Fan, Z Li, Y Han, Y Teng, C Chen
SPE Journal 26 (01), 324-341, 2021
Review of methods and applications for incorporating fluid flow in the discrete element method
J Furtney, F Zhang, Y Han
Proceedings of the 3rd international FLAC/DEM symposium, Hangzhou, China, 22-24, 2013
Resolution sensitivity of momentum‐exchange and immersed boundary methods for solid–fluid interaction in the lattice Boltzmann method
Y Han, PA Cundall
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 67 (3), 314-327, 2011
Hydraulic fracture conductivity as a function of proppant concentration under various effective stresses: from partial monolayer to multilayer proppants
M Fan, Y Han, J McClure, C Chen
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2693347-MS, 2017
Verification of two-dimensional LBM-DEM coupling approach and its application in modeling episodic sand production in borehole
Y Han, P Cundall
Petroleum 3 (2), 179-189, 2017
Application of a simple hysteretic damping formulation in dynamic continuum simulations
Y Han, R Hart
4th International FLAC Symposium on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, Hart …, 2006
A novel hydro-mechanical coupled analysis for the fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs
F Zhang, M An, B Yan, Y Wang, Y Han
Computers and Geotechnics 106, 68-82, 2018
Microscopic numerical modeling of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical mechanisms in fluid injection process in unconsolidated formation
W Li, M Soliman, Y Han
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 146, 959-970, 2016
A model for hydraulic fracture growth across multiple elastic layers
X Zhang, B Wu, LD Connell, Y Han, RG Jeffrey
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167, 918-928, 2018
Nanomechanical characterization of the tensile modulus of rupture for kerogen-rich shale
KL Hull, YN Abousleiman, Y Han, GA Al-Muntasheri, P Hosemann, ...
SPE Journal 22 (04), 1024-1033, 2017
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Articles 1–20