Michiru Nagatsu
Cited by
Cited by
Radical changes are needed for transformations to a good Anthropocene
T McPhearson, C M. Raymond, N Gulsrud, C Albert, N Coles, ...
Npj urban sustainability 1 (1), 5, 2021
Social nudges: their mechanisms and justification
M Nagatsu
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6, 481-494, 2015
How does it really feel to act together? Shared emotions and the phenomenology of we-agency
M Salmela, M Nagatsu
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16, 449-470, 2017
What does interdisciplinarity look like in practice: Mapping interdisciplinarity and its limits in the environmental sciences
M MacLeod, M Nagatsu
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 67, 74-84, 2018
Philosophy of science for sustainability science
M Nagatsu, T Davis, CT DesRoches, I Koskinen, M MacLeod, ...
Sustainability Science 15, 1807-1817, 2020
Collective emotions and joint action: beyond received and minimalist approaches
M Salmela, M Nagatsu
Journal of Social Ontology 2 (1), 33-57, 2016
Behavioral economics, history of
M Nagatsu
International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences 2 (2), 2015
The social motivation hypothesis for prosocial behavior
M Godman, M Nagatsu, M Salmela
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (5), 563-587, 2014
Model coupling in resource economics: Conditions for effective interdisciplinary collaboration
M MacLeod, M Nagatsu
Philosophy of science 83 (3), 412-433, 2016
Two strands of field experiments in economics: A historical-methodological analysis
M Nagatsu, J Favereau
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (1), 45-77, 2020
Investigating interdisciplinary practice: Methodological challenges (introduction)
M MacLeod, M Merz, U Mäki, M Nagatsu
Perspectives on Science 27 (4), 545-552, 2019
Interpersonal and collective affective niche construction: Empirical and normative perspectives on social media
M Nagatsu, M Salmela
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (4), 1169-1196, 2023
Bridge over troubled water: Managing compatibility and conflicts among thought collectives in sustainability science
M Nagatsu, C Raymond, H Tuomisto, L Ruotsalainen, N Soininen, ...
manuscript, 2021
Holding back from theory: limits and methodological alternatives of randomized field experiments in development economics
J Favereau, M Nagatsu
Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (3), 191-211, 2020
Making good cider out of bad apples–Signaling expectations boosts cooperation among would-be free riders
M Nagatsu, K Larsen, M Karabegovic, M Székely, D Mønster, J Michael
Judgment and Decision Making 13 (1), 137-149, 2018
When is green nudging ethically permissible?
CT DesRoches, D Fischer, J Silver, P Arthur, R Livernois, T Crichlow, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 60, 101236, 2023
Philosophy of science for sustainability science. Sustain Sci 15: 1807–1817
M Nagatsu, T Davis, CT DesRoches, I Koskinen, M MacLeod, ...
What is the economic concept of choice? An experimental philosophy study
M Nagatsu, K Põder
Economics and Philosophy, 2019
How behavioural research has informed consumer law: The many faces of behavioural research
M Nagatsu, M Malecka
Research Methods in Consumer Law, 357–39, 2019
Function and mechanism: the metaphysics of neuroeconomics
M Nagatsu
Neuroeconomics: Hype or Hope?, 97-105, 2014
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Articles 1–20