Anindya Roy
Cited by
Cited by
Improved closed set text-independent speaker identification by combining MFCC with evidence from flipped filter banks
S Chakroborty, A Roy, G Saha
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering 2 (11 …, 2008
Fusion of a complementary feature set with MFCC for improved closed set text-independent speaker identification
S Chakroborty, A Roy, G Saha
2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 387-390, 2006
Haar local binary pattern feature for fast illumination invariant face detection
A Roy, S Marcel
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 4, 2009
A Fast Parts-based Approach to Speaker Verification using Boosted Slice Classifiers
A Roy, M Magimai.-Doss, S Marcel
Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on 7 (1), 241-254, 2012
Design of heme enzymes with a tunable substrate binding pocket adjacent to an open metal coordination site
I Kalvet, M Ortmayer, J Zhao, R Crawshaw, NM Ennist, C Levy, A Roy, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (26), 14307-14315, 2023
Capturing complementary information via reversed filter bank and parallel implementation with MFCC for improved text-independent speaker identification
S Chakroborty, A Roy, S Majumdar, G Saha
2007 international conference on computing: Theory and applications (ICCTA …, 2007
Large-scale design and refinement of stable proteins using sequence-only models
JM Singer, S Novotney, D Strickland, HK Haddox, N Leiby, GJ Rocklin, ...
PloS one 17 (3), e0265020, 2022
Tvd: a reproducible and multiply aligned tv series dataset
A Roy, C Guinaudeau, H Bredin, C Barras
LREC 2014, 2014
Developing STT and KWS systems using limited language resources
VB Le, L Lamel, A Messaoudi, W Hartmann, JL Gauvain, C Woehrling, ...
Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2014
Acoustic unit discovery and pronunciation generation from a grapheme-based lexicon
W Hartmann, A Roy, L Lamel, JL Gauvain
2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 380-385, 2013
Person instance graphs for mono-, cross-and multi-modal person recognition in multimedia data: application to speaker identification in TV broadcast
H Bredin, A Roy, VB Le, C Barras
International journal of multimedia information retrieval 3, 161-175, 2014
Boosted binary features for noise-robust speaker verification
A Roy, M Magimai.-Doss, S Marcel
Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International …, 2010
De novo design of highly selective miniprotein inhibitors of integrins αvβ6 and αvβ8
A Roy, L Shi, A Chang, X Dong, A Fernandez, JC Kraft, J Li, VQ Le, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5660, 2023
Qcompere@ repere 2013
H Bredin, J Poignant, G Fortier, M Tapaswi, VB Le, A Roy, C Barras, ...
SLAM 2013-First Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio for Multimedia, 49-54, 2013
Language Identification for Social Media: short messages and transliteration
P Dias Cardoso, A Roy
WWW '16 Companion Proceedings of 25th International Conference Companion on …, 2016
Phoneme recognition using boosted binary features
A Roy, MM Doss, S Marcel
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Some issues affecting the transcription of Hungarian broadcast audio.
A Roy, L Lamel, T Fraga-Silva, JL Gauvain, I Oparin
INTERSPEECH, 3102-3106, 2013
Introducing crossmodal biometrics: Person identification from distinct audio & visual streams
A Roy, S Marcel
2010 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory …, 2010
JAIN, S. c.,(1968) Crustal Thickening of Trans Himalayan Region from gravity and seismological data
A Roy
Bull. Nat. Geophy, Res. Inst 6 (3), 101-111, 0
Sentiment lexicon creation using continuous latent space and neural networks
PD Cardoso, A Roy
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2016
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Articles 1–20