Abhijit Mahalanobis
Abhijit Mahalanobis
Department of ECE, University of Arizona
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Minimum average correlation energy filters
A Mahalanobis, BVK Vijaya Kumar, D Casasent
Applied optics 26 (17), 3633-3640, 1987
Correlation pattern recognition
BVKV Kumar, A Mahalanobis, RD Juday
Cambridge university press, 2005
Unconstrained correlation filters
A Mahalanobis, BVKV Kumar, S Song, SRF Sims, JF Epperson
Applied Optics 33 (17), 3751-3759, 1994
Attention guided anomaly localization in images
S Venkataramanan, KC Peng, RV Singh, A Mahalanobis
European Conference on Computer Vision, 485-503, 2020
Optimal trade-off synthetic discriminant function filters for arbitrary devices
BVKV Kumar, DW Carlson, A Mahalanobis
Optics Letters 19 (19), 1556-1558, 1994
Distance-classifier correlation filters for multiclass target recognition
A Mahalanobis, BVKV Kumar, SRF Sims
Applied Optics 35 (17), 3127-3133, 1996
Maximum margin correlation filter: A new approach for localization and classification
A Rodriguez, VN Boddeti, BVKV Kumar, A Mahalanobis
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (2), 631-643, 2012
Design and application of quadratic correlation filters for target detection
A Mahalanobis, RR Muise, SR Stanfill, A Van Nevel
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 40 (3), 837-850, 2004
Biometric verification with correlation filters
BVK Vijaya Kumar, M Savvides, C Xie, K Venkataramani, J Thornton, ...
Applied Optics 43 (2), 391-402, 2004
Infrared target detection in cluttered environments by maximization of a target to clutter ratio (TCR) metric using a convolutional neural network
B McIntosh, S Venkataramanan, A Mahalanobis
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 57 (1), 485-496, 2020
Optimality of the maximum average correlation height filter for detection of targets in noise
A Mahalanobis, BV Kumar
Optical Engineering 36 (10), 2642-2648, 1997
Evaluation of MACH and DCCF correlation filters for SAR ATR using the MSTAR public database
A Mahalanobis, DW Carlson, BV Kumar
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery V 3370, 460-468, 1998
Object specific image reconstruction using a compressive sensing architecture for application in surveillance systems
A Mahalanobis, R Muise
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 45 (3), 1167-1180, 2009
Minimum squared error synthetic discriminant functions
BV Kumar, A Mahalanobis, S Song, SRF Sims, JF Epperson
Optical Engineering 31 (5), 915-922, 1992
Optimal tradeoff circular harmonic function correlation filter methods providing controlled in-plane rotation response
BVKV Kumar, A Mahalanobis, A Takessian
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9 (6), 1025-1034, 2000
Quadratic correlation filter design methodology for target detection and surveillance applications
A Mahalanobis, RR Muise, SR Stanfill
Applied optics 43 (27), 5198-5205, 2004
Recent results of medium wave infrared compressive sensing
A Mahalanobis, R Shilling, R Murphy, R Muise
Applied optics 53 (34), 8060-8070, 2014
Improving the false alarm capabilities of the maximum average correlation height correlation filter
M Alkanhal, BV Kumar, A Mahalanobis
Optical Engineering 39 (5), 1133-1141, 2000
Performance evaluation of quadratic correlation filters for target detection and discrimination in infrared imagery
SRF Sims, A Mahalanobis
Optical Engineering 43 (8), 1705-1711, 2004
Multi-class SAR ATR using shift-invariant correlation filters
A Mahalanobis, AV Forman Jr, N Day, M Bower, R Cherry
Pattern Recognition 27 (4), 619-626, 1994
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Articles 1–20