Dharani Punithan
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Cited by
Spatio-temporal dynamics and quantification of daisyworld in two-dimensional coupled map lattices
D Punithan, DK Kim, RIB McKay
Ecological complexity 12, 43-57, 2012
Self-organizing spatio-temporal pattern formation in two-dimensional daisyworld
D Punithan, RI McKay
International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, 72-83, 2012
Daisyworld in two dimensional small-world networks
D Punithan, DK Kim, RI McKay
International Conference on Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 167-178, 2011
Scene graph parsing via Abstract Meaning Representation in pre-trained language models
WS Choi, YJ Heo, D Punithan, BT Zhang
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural …, 2022
Phase transitions in two dimensional daisyworld with small-world effects: A study of local and long-range couplings
D Punithan, RI McKay
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2013
Evolutionary dynamics and ecosystems feedback in two dimensional daisyworld
D Punithan, RI McKay
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 12, 91-98, 2012
Sampling bias in estimation of distribution algorithms for genetic programming using prototype trees
K Kim, BRI McKay, D Punithan
PRICAI 2010: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Pacific Rim …, 2010
Ising Model based Molecular Associative Memory for Pattern Recall
D Punithan, BT Zhang
Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, 941-942, 2017
Lifelong Learning with the Feedback-loop between Emotions and Actions via Internal Reward
D Punithan, BT Zhang
Procedia computer science 145 (Proceedings of BICA 2018), 423-427, 2018
Molecular Associative Memory with Spatial Auto-logistic Model for Pattern Recall
D Punithan, BT Zhang
Procedia Computer Science 123 (Proceedings of BICA 2017), 373-379, 2018
Machine learning models and statistical measures for predicting the progression of IgA nephropathy
J Noh, D Punithan, H Lee, JP Lee, YS Kim, DK Kim, RIB McKay
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 25 …, 2015
Predicting the progression of IgA nephropathy using machine learning methods
J Noh, D Punithan, H Lee
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bioinspired Information …, 2014
Collective dynamics and homeostatic emergence in complex adaptive ecosystem
D Punithan, RI McKay
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 332-339, 2013
Pattern denoising in molecular associative memory using pairwise markov random field models
D Punithan, BT Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.13780, 2020
Molecular Learning and Pattern Denoising using Markov Random Field Models
D Punithan, BT Zhang
Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, 812-814, 2020
Molecular associative memory for pattern recall with local neighborhood models
D Punithan, B Zhang
Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, 2018
Molecular Associative Memory for Pattern Recall with Local Neighborhood System
D Punithan, BT Zhang
The 24th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming …, 2018
Lifelong Autonomous Learning through Intrinsic Motivation and Emergent Emotions in Embodied Agents
D Punithan, BT Zhang
International Symposium on Perception, Action, and Cognitive Systems (PACS 2017), 2017
Coupled Map Lattice based Homeostatic Complex Systems
서울대학교 대학원, 2014
An XML Format for Sharing Evolutionary Algorithm Output and Analysis
N Mori, K Kim, D Punithan, J Marhic, RI McKay, J Bootkrajang
(No Title), 2010
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Articles 1–20