Eiman Kanjo
Cited by
Cited by
Noisespy: A real-time mobile phone platform for urban noise monitoring and mapping
E Kanjo
Mobile Networks and Applications 15, 562-574, 2010
Deep learning analysis of mobile physiological, environmental and location sensor data for emotion detection
E Kanjo, EMG Younis, CS Ang
Information Fusion Journal 49, 46-56, 2019
Problematic mobile phone use and addiction across generations: The roles of psychopathological symptoms and smartphone use
DJ Kuss, E Kanjo, M Crook-Rumsey, F Kibowski, GY Wang, A Sumich
Journal of technology in behavioral science 3 (3), 141-149, 2018
Problematic Smartphone Use: An Empirically Validated Model
E Pivetta, L Harkin, J Billieux, E Kanjo, DJ Kuss
Journal Computers in Humen Behaviour, 70, 2019
Problematic smartphone use: Investigating contemporary experiences using a convergent design
D Kuss, LJ Harkin, E Kanjo, J Billieux
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018
Emotions in context: examining pervasive affective sensing systems, applications, and analyses
E Kanjo, A Chamberlain
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 1-16, 2015
MobGeoSen: facilitating personal geosensor data collection and visualization using mobile phones
E Kanjo, S Benford, M Paxton, A Chamberlain, DS Fraser, D Woodgate, ...
Personal and ubiquitous computing 12, 599-607, 2008
MobSens: Making smart phones smarter
E Kanjo, J Bacon, D Roberts, P Landshoff
IEEE Pervasive Computing 8 (4), 50-57, 2009
Towards unravelling the relationship between on-body, environmental and emotion data using sensor information fusion approach
E Kanjo, EMG Younis, N Sherkat
Information Fusion Journal 40, 18-31, 2018
The roles of emojis in mobile phone notifications
C Tauch, E Kanjo
Proceedings of the 2016 acm international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2016
Personal technology: Phoning in data
Nature Publishing Group, 2009
Beyond Mobile Apps: A Survey of Technologies for Mental Well-being
K Woodward, E Kanjo, D Brown, M McGinnity, B Inkster, D Macintyre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 20, 2020
NotiMind: Utilizing Responses to Smart Phone Notifications as Affective sensors
E Kanjo, DJ Kuss, CS Ang
IEEE Access 5, 22023-22035, 2017
NeuroPlace: Categorizing urban places according to mental states
L Al-Barrak, E Kanjo, EMG Younis
PloS one 12 (9), e0183890, 2017
Early warning signs of a mental health tsunami: A coordinated response to gather initial data insights from multiple digital services providers
B Inkster, et al, E Kanjo, ( covid19team)
Digital Health Journal 2, 64, 2021
User experience of digital technologies in citizen science
A Skarlatidou, M Ponti, J Sprinks, C Nold, M Haklay, K Kanjo
Journal of science communications, 2019
Shopmobia: An Emotion-based Shop Rating System
N Alajmi, E Kanjo, N El Mawass, A Chamberlain
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2013 Geneva …, 2013
A COVID-19-Based Modified Epidemiological Model and Technological Approaches to Help Vulnerable Individuals Emerge from the Lockdown in the UK
DO Anderez, E Kanjo, G Pogrebna, O Kaiwartya, SD Johnson, JA Hunt
Sensors 20 (17), 4967, 2020
Monitoring Prayer Using Mobile Phone Accelerometer
R Al-Ghannam, E Kanjo, H Al-Dossari
International Conference on Cloud Computing, 168-175, 2015
The rise of technology in crime prevention: Opportunities, challenges and practitioners perspectives
DO Anderez, E Kanjo, A Amnwar, S Johnson, D Lucy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04204, 2021
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Articles 1–20