Clifford McCue
Cited by
Cited by
Challenges in Public Procurement: an international perspective
A Araujo, RY Carter, G Callender, D Drabkin, R Grimm, K Jensen, ...
PrAcademics Press, 2005
Centralized vs. decentralized purchasing: Current trends in governmental procurement practices
CP McCue, JT Pitzer
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 12 (3), 400-420, 2000
Public purchasing: who’s minding the store?
CP McCue, GA Gianakis
Journal of public procurement 1 (1), 71-95, 2001
E-procurement: Myth or reality
C McCue, AV Roman
Journal of Public procurement 12 (2), 221-248, 2012
Local government budgeting: A managerial approach
GA Gianakis, C McCue
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 1999
Professional service acquisition in public sector procurement: A conceptual model of meaningful involvement
JJ Schiele, CP McCue
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 26 (3), 300-325, 2006
A comparison of purchasing’s organizational roles and responsibilities in the public and private sector
PF Johnson, MR Leenders, C McCue
Journal of Public Procurement 3 (1), 57-74, 2017
Five dilemmas in public procurement
CP McCue, E Prier, D Swanson
Journal of public procurement 15 (2), 177-207, 2015
The implications of a muddled definition of public procurement
E Prier, CP McCue
Journal of Public Procurement 9 (3/4), 326-370, 2009
Using agency theory to model cooperative public purchasing
C McCue, E Prier
Journal of Public Procurement 8 (1), 1-35, 2008
Dispositional empathy and the political gender gap
CP McCue, JD Gopoian
Women & Politics 21 (2), 1-20, 2000
Implementation of sustainable public procurement practices and policies: A sorting framework
E Prier, E Schwerin, CP McCue
Journal of Public Procurement 16 (3), 312-346, 2016
The relationship between job satisfaction and performance: The case of local government finance officers in Ohio
CP McCue, GA Gianakis
Public Productivity & Management Review, 170-191, 1997
Supply chain manipulation, misrepresentation, and magical thinking during the COVID-19 pandemic
CL Atkinson, C McCue, E Prier, AM Atkinson
The American Review of Public Administration 50 (6-7), 628-634, 2020
What is public procurement? Definitional problems and implications
RE Lloyd, CP McCue
International Public Procurement Conference Proceedings 3, 2-18, 2004
Lean thinking within public sector purchasing department: the case of the UK public service
J Waterman, C McCue
Journal of Public Procurement 12 (4), 505, 2012
Traditional and family-friendly benefits practices in local governments: Results from a national survey
GE Roberts, JA Gianakis, C McCue, XH Wang
Public Personnel Management 33 (3), 307-330, 2004
Lean thinking and its implications for public procurement: moving forward with assessment and implementation
JJ Schiele, CP McCue
Journal of Public Procurement 11 (2), 206-239, 2011
The value of certification in public procurement: the birth of a profession?
E Prier, C McCue, R Behara
Journal of public procurement 10 (4), 512-540, 2010
Immigration and its impact on American cities
SC Loveless
(No Title), 1996
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Articles 1–20