Slow TCAM exhaustion DDoS attack TA Pascoal, YG Dantas, IE Fonseca, V Nigam ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 32nd IFIP TC 11 International …, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
Slow denial-of-service attacks on software defined networks TA Pascoal, IE Fonseca, V Nigam Computer Networks 173, 107223, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
DyPS: dynamic, private and secure GWAS T Pascoal, J Decouchant, A Boutet, P Esteves-Verissimo Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2021 | 19* | 2021 |
An approach for the prediction of computer science students’ performance on programming languages courses (Uma abordagem para a previsão de desempenho de alunos de Computação … TA Pascoal, DM de Brito, TG do Rêgo Nuevas Ideas en Informática Educativa TISE 2015 (454-458), 2, 2015 | 13* | 2015 |
Identifying first-year undergraduate students evasion risks through data mining techniques (Identificação de estudantes do primeiro semestre com risco de evasão através de … DM Brito, MO Lemos, TA Pascoal, TG do Rêgo, JGGO Araújo TISE 2015-XX Congresso Internacional de Informática Educativa. Santiago, 2015 | 12* | 2015 |
College dropout: a diagnostic using academic and socioeconomic data (Evasao de estudantes universitários: diagnóstico a partir de dados acadêmicos e socieconômicos) T Pascoal, DM de Brito, L Andrade, TG do Rêgo Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2016 | 6* | 2016 |
Securing Software-Defined Networks Through Adaptive Moving Target Defense Capabilities FS Dantas Silva, EP Neto, RSS Nunes, CHM Souza, AJV Neto, T Pascoal Journal of Network and Systems Management 31 (3), 61, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
I-GWAS: Privacy-Preserving Interdependent Genome-Wide Association Studies T Pascoal, J Decouchant, A Boutet, M Völp Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Secure and distributed assessment of privacy-preserving GWAS releases T Pascoal, J Decouchant, M Völp Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference, 308-321, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
A protection module against application-layer DoS attack: A quality of service and user experience analysis (Módulo de Proteção contra Ataques de Negação de Serviço na Camada … TA Pascoal, JHG Correa, R Brayner, V Nigam, IE Fonseca Anais do XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas …, 2017 | 3* | 2017 |
An adaptive moving target defense approach for software-defined networking protection FSD Silva, T Pascoal, EP Neto, RSS Nunes, CHM Souza, A Neto NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-6, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Secure, privacy-preserving and practical collaborative Genome-Wide Association Studies T Pascoal University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Towards practical Genome-Wide Association Studies: Overview and Challenges T Pascoal, J Decouchant, M Völp PETS'22 Workshop on Interdependent and Multi-party Privacy, 2022 | 2* | 2022 |
Atacando e defendendo redes definidas por software TA Pascoal Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
An adaptative approach for SDN protection using Moving Target Defense (Abordagem Adaptativa para Proteção de Redes SDN Utilizando Moving Target Defense) RSS Nunes, T Pascoal, CHM Souza, E Neto, FSD Silva Anais do XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas …, 2022 | | 2022 |
Using the partitioning of switches to mitigate the coupling problem in Software-Defined Networking (Usando particionamento de switches para mitigar o problema de aclopamento) F Albuquerque, T Pascoal, V Nigam, IE Fonseca XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2022), 2022 | | 2022 |
DyPS: Dynamic, Private and Secure GWAS (GenoPri' 21 Summary) T Pascoal, J Decouchant, A Boutet, P Esteves-Verissimo GenoPri 2021, 2021 | | 2021 |
Moving Target Defense for protecting Software-Defined Networks CHM de Souza, TA Pascoal, E P. Neto, FS Lima Filho, FSD Silva X Conferência Nacional em Comunicações, Redes e Segurança da Informação …, 2020 | | 2020 |
A module for defending application-layer DDoS attacks using selective strategies (Um Módulo de Defesa para Ataques DDoS na Camada de Aplicação usando Estratégias Seletivas) T Pascoal, J Correa, I Fonseca, V Nigam XXXIV SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE TELECOMUNICACOES - SBrT2016, 969-973, 2016 | | 2016 |