José Alves Diniz
José Alves Diniz
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade de Lisboa
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Cited by
How can peer group influence the behavior of adolescents: Explanatory model
G Tomé, MG de Matos, C Simões, I Camacho, J AlvesDiniz
Global journal of health science 4 (2), 26, 2012
Towards an enhanced learning management system for blended learning in higher education incorporating distinct learners' profiles
SB Dias, JA Diniz
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 17 (1), 307-319, 2014
Study on young people’s lifestyles and sedentariness and the role of sport in the context of education and as a means of restoring the balance
WD Brettschneider, R Naul, N Armstrong, JA Diniz, K Froberg, L Laakso, ...
Paderborn: University of Paderborn, 2004
Equipa do projecto aventura social e saúde
M Matos, C Simões, G Tomé, S Pereira, J Diniz
A saúde dos adolescentes portugueses (quatro anos depois). Relatório …, 2003
Equipa do Aventura Social (2006)
MG Matos, C Simões, G Tomé, T Gaspar, I Camacho, J Diniz
A Saúde dos Adolescentes Portugueses–Hoje e em 8, 2006
Towards an intelligent learning management system under blended learning: Trends, profiles and modeling perspectives
SB Dias, JA Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
The effects of sex education in promoting sexual and reproductive health in Portuguese university students
M Reis, L Ramiro, MG de Matos, JA Diniz
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 29, 477-485, 2011
DeepLMS: a deep learning predictive model for supporting online learning in the Covid-19 era
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, J Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19888, 2020
Análise da informação evocada pelos alunos em aulas de Educação Física. Um estudo sobre o feedback pedagógico
J Quina, FC da Costa, JA Diniz
Boletim Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação Física, 9-29, 1995
FuzzyQoI model: A fuzzy logic-based modelling of users' quality of interaction with a learning management system under blended learning
SB Dias, JA Diniz
Computers & Education 69, 38-59, 2013
Educação sexual, conhecimentos, crenças, atitudes e comportamentos nos adolescentes
L Ramiro, M Reis, MG de Matos, JA Diniz, C Simões
Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública 29 (1), 11-21, 2011
Hoje, de que falamos quando falamos de avaliação formativa?
F Araújo, JA Diniz
Boletim Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação Física, 41-52, 2015
A influência da comunicação com a família e grupo de pares no bem-estar e nos comportamentos de risco nos adolescentes portugueses
G Tomé, I Camacho, MG Matos, JA Diniz
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 24, 747-756, 2011
Factores associados à prática da actividade física nos adolescentes portugueses
MG de Matos, SF Carvalhosa, JA Diniz
Análise psicológica 20 (1), 57-66, 2002
Fuzzy cognitive mapping of LMS users’ quality of interaction within higher education blended-learning environment
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, LJ Hadjileontiadis, JA Diniz
Expert systems with Applications 42 (21), 7399-7423, 2015
Participation des jeunes européens aux activités physiques et sportives
M Ledent, M Cloes, R Telama, L Almond, J Diniz, M Piéron
Sport 159, 1997
Computer-based concept mapping combined with learning management system use: An explorative study under the self-and collaborative-mode
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Computers & Education 107, 127-146, 2017
Nationwide survey of contraceptive and sexually transmitted infection knowledge, attitudes and skills of university students in Portugal
M Reis, L Ramiro, MG Matos, JA Diniz
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 13 (2), 127-137, 2013
As atitudes dos alunos face à disciplina de Educação Física: Um estudo plurimetodológico
P Pereira, FC da Costa, JA Diniz
Boletim Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação Física, 83-94, 2009
Sentiment analysis techniques and applications in education: A survey
FS Dolianiti, D Iakovakis, SB Dias, S Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, ...
International conference on technology and innovation in learning, teaching …, 2018
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Articles 1–20