Luis Concha
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Cited by
Mapping anatomical connectivity patterns of human cerebral cortex using in vivo diffusion tensor imaging tractography
G Gong, Y He, L Concha, C Lebel, DW Gross, AC Evans, C Beaulieu
Cerebral cortex 19 (3), 524-536, 2009
Diffusion weighted image denoising using overcomplete local PCA
JV Manjón, P Coupé, L Concha, A Buades, DL Collins, M Robles
PloS one 8 (9), e73021, 2013
Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study
CD Whelan, A Altmann, JA Botía, N Jahanshad, DP Hibar, J Absil, ...
Brain 141 (2), 391-408, 2018
Imaging brain connectivity in children with diverse reading ability
C Beaulieu, C Plewes, LA Paulson, D Roy, L Snook, L Concha, L Phillips
Neuroimage 25 (4), 1266-1271, 2005
Diffusion tensor tractography of the limbic system
L Concha, DW Gross, C Beaulieu
American Journal of Neuroradiology 26 (9), 2267-2274, 2005
Diffusion tensor imaging of time-dependent axonal and myelin degradation after corpus callosotomy in epilepsy patients
L Concha, DW Gross, BM Wheatley, C Beaulieu
Neuroimage 32 (3), 1090-1099, 2006
Bilateral limbic diffusion abnormalities in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy
L Concha, C Beaulieu, DW Gross
Annals of neurology 57 (2), 188-196, 2005
Cortical thickness analysis in temporal lobe epilepsy: reproducibility and relation to outcome
BC Bernhardt, N Bernasconi, L Concha, A Bernasconi
Neurology 74 (22), 1776-1784, 2010
In vivo diffusion tensor imaging and histopathology of the fimbria-fornix in temporal lobe epilepsy
L Concha, DJ Livy, C Beaulieu, BM Wheatley, DW Gross
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (3), 996-1002, 2010
White-matter diffusion abnormalities in temporal-lobe epilepsy with and without mesial temporal sclerosis
L Concha, C Beaulieu, DL Collins, DW Gross
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 80 (3), 312-319, 2009
Extratemporal white matter abnormalities in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrated with diffusion tensor imaging
DW Gross, L Concha, C Beaulieu
Epilepsia 47 (8), 1360-1363, 2006
Mapping limbic network organization in temporal lobe epilepsy using morphometric correlations: insights on the relation between mesiotemporal connectivity and cortical atrophy
BC Bernhardt, KJ Worsley, P Besson, L Concha, JP Lerch, AC Evans, ...
Neuroimage 42 (2), 515-524, 2008
White matter abnormalities across different epilepsy syndromes in adults: an ENIGMA-Epilepsy study
SN Hatton, KH Huynh, L Bonilha, E Abela, S Alhusaini, A Altmann, ...
Brain 143 (8), 2454-2473, 2020
Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset?
KG Schilling, F Rheault, L Petit, CB Hansen, V Nath, FC Yeh, G Girard, ...
Neuroimage 243, 118502, 2021
Music listening engages specific cortical regions within the temporal lobes: Differences between musicians and non-musicians
A Angulo-Perkins, W Aubé, I Peretz, FA Barrios, JL Armony, L Concha
Cortex 59, 126-137, 2014
Spatial patterns of water diffusion along white matter tracts in temporal lobe epilepsy
L Concha, H Kim, A Bernasconi, BC Bernhardt, N Bernasconi
Neurology 79 (5), 455-462, 2012
A macroscopic view of microstructure: using diffusion-weighted images to infer damage, repair, and plasticity of white matter
L Concha
Neuroscience 276, 14-28, 2014
Network-based atrophy modeling in the common epilepsies: A worldwide ENIGMA study
S Larivière, R Rodríguez-Cruces, J Royer, ME Caligiuri, A Gambardella, ...
Science advances 6 (47), eabc6457, 2020
Child overweight and obesity are associated with reduced executive cognitive performance and brain alterations: a magnetic resonance imaging study in M exican children
CCC Bauer, B Moreno, L González‐Santos, L Concha, S Barquera, ...
Pediatric obesity 10 (3), 196-204, 2015
Diffusion tensor imaging tractography and reliability analysis for limbic and paralimbic white matter tracts
N Malykhin, L Concha, P Seres, C Beaulieu, NJ Coupland
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 164 (2), 132-142, 2008
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Articles 1–20