Han Shu
Han Shu
BBN, MIT CSAIL, Vlingo, Airbnb, DoorDash
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Application text entry in a mobile environment using a speech processing facility
JP Cerra, RV Kishchenko, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent 8,880,405, 2014
Using results of unstructured language model based speech recognition to control a system-level function of a mobile communications facility
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent 8,838,457, 2014
Using speech recognition results based on an unstructured language model in a mobile communication facility application
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu, AB Mischke
US Patent 8,886,540, 2014
Mobile music environment speech processing facility
JP Cerra, RV Kishchenko, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 11/866,704, 2008
Mobile content search environment speech processing facility
JP Cerra, RV Kishchenko, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 11/866,804, 2008
Speech recognition text entry for software applications
JP Cerra, RV Kishchenko, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent 8,996,379, 2015
Duration modeling in large vocabulary speech recognition
A Anastasakos, R Schwartz, H Shu
1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 1 …, 1995
Using speech recognition results based on an unstructured language model with a navigation system
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu, Y Chen
US Patent App. 12/184,465, 2009
Using contextual information for delivering results generated from a speech recognition facility using an unstructured language model
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 12/184,359, 2009
Pronunciation modeling using a finite-state transducer representation
TJ Hazen, IL Hetherington, H Shu, K Livescu
Speech Communication 46 (2), 189-203, 2005
Adapting an unstructured language model speech recognition system based on usage
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu, AB Mischke, CM Micali
US Patent App. 12/184,282, 2009
Mobile browser environment speech processing facility
JP Cerra, RV Kishchenko, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 11/866,818, 2008
Using speech recognition results based on an unstructured language model with a music system
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent 10,056,077, 2018
Speech recognition of speech recorded by a mobile communication facility
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 12/123,952, 2008
Using an unstructured language model associated with an application of a mobile communication facility
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 12/184,286, 2009
Using results of unstructured language model based speech recognition to perform an action on a mobile communications facility
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 12/044,573, 2008
Mobile navigation environment speech processing facility
JP Cerra, RV Kishchenko, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu
US Patent App. 11/866,675, 2008
Tagging speech recognition results based on an unstructured language model for use in a mobile communication facility application
JP Cerra, JN Nguyen, MS Phillips, H Shu, D Gan, EH Thayer
US Patent App. 12/184,512, 2009
On-line handwriting recognition using hidden Markov models
H Shu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
A probabilistic approach to unit selection for corpus-based speech synthesis.
S Sakai, H Shu
Interspeech, 81-84, 2005
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Articles 1–20