Soraia Raupp Musse
Cited by
Cited by
Hierarchical model for real time simulation of virtual human crowds
SR Musse, D Thalmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 7 (2), 152-164, 2001
Crowd Simulation
D Thalmann, S Raupp
Crowd analysis using computer vision techniques
JCSJ Junior, SR Musse, CR Jung
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 27 (5), 66-77, 2010
A model of human crowd behavior: Group inter-relationship and collision detection analysis
SR Musse, D Thalmann
Computer Animation and Simulation’97: Proceedings of the Eurographics …, 1997
Modeling individual behaviors in crowd simulation
A Braun, SR Musse, LPL de Oliveira, BEJ Bodmann
Proceedings 11th IEEE international workshop on program comprehension, 143-148, 2003
Background subtraction and shadow detection in grayscale video sequences
JCS Jacques, CR Jung, SR Musse
XVIII Brazilian symposium on computer graphics and image processing …, 2005
Crowd modelling in collaborative virtual environments
SR Musse, C Babski, T Capin, D Thalmann
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 1998
Simulating virtual crowds in emergency situations
A Braun, BEJ Bodmann, SR Musse
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2005
Automatic real‐time generation of floor plans based on squarified treemaps algorithm
F Marson, SR Musse
International Journal of Computer Games Technology 2010 (1), 624817, 2010
The COVEN project: Exploring applicative, technical, and usage dimensions of collaborative virtual environments
V Normand, C Babski, S Benford, A Bullock, S Carion, Y Chrysanthou, ...
Presence 8 (2), 218-236, 1999
Simulating crowds based on a space colonization algorithm
A de Lima Bicho, RA Rodrigues, SR Musse, CR Jung, M Paravisi, ...
Computers & Graphics 36 (2), 70-79, 2012
A paradigm for controlling virtual humans in urban environment simulations
N Farenc, SR Musse, E Schweiss, M Kallmann, O Aune, R Boulic, ...
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14 (1), 69-91, 2000
Using computer vision to simulate the motion of virtual agents
SR Musse, CR Jung, JCS Jacques Jr, A Braun
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 18 (2), 83-93, 2007
Understanding people motion in video sequences using Voronoi diagrams: Detecting and classifying groups
JCS Jacques, A Braun, J Soldera, SR Musse, CR Jung
Pattern Analysis and Applications 10, 321-332, 2007
Simulation of large crowds in emergency situations including gaseous phenomena
N Courty, SR Musse
International 2005 Computer Graphics, 206-212, 2005
A background subtraction model adapted to illumination changes
JCS Jacques, CR Jung, SR Musse
2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 1817-1820, 2006
Guiding and interacting with virtual crowds
SR Musse, F Garat, D Thalmann
Computer Animation and Simulation’99: Proceedings of the Eurographics …, 1999
Virtual humans’ behaviour: Individuals, groups, and crowds
D Thalmann, SR Musse, M Kallmann
Digital Media: The Future, 239-256, 1999
Event detection using trajectory clustering and 4-D histograms
CR Jung, L Hennemann, SR Musse
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18 (11), 1565 …, 2008
Evaluating perceived trust from procedurally animated gaze
A Normoyle, JB Badler, T Fan, NI Badler, VJ Cassol, SR Musse
Proceedings of Motion on Games, 141-148, 2013
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Articles 1–20