mark perry
mark perry
University of New England, Australia (formerly at UWO, Canada, and University of Auckland, NZ)
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Online trust: Definition and principles
ZM Aljazzaf, M Perry, MAM Capretz
2010 Fifth International Multi-conference on Computing in the Global …, 2010
From music tracks to Google maps: Who owns computer-generated works?
M Perry, T Margoni
Computer Law & Security Review 26 (6), 621-629, 2010
Decentralized approach to resource availability prediction using group availability in a P2P desktop grid
K Ramachandran, H Lutfiyya, M Perry
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (6), 854-860, 2012
Trust-based service-oriented architecture
ZM Aljazzaf, MAM Capretz, M Perry
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 28 (4 …, 2016
‘Fake News’ in Asean: Legislative Responses
RB Smith, M Perry, NN Smith
Asean: Legislative Responses (June 18, 2021). Smith, RB, Perry, M., & Smith …, 2021
" Fake News" Legislation in Thailand: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
R Smith, M Perry
Athens JL 6, 243, 2020
Going for the throat: Carnivore in an ECHELON world-Part II
T Nabbali, M Perry
Computer Law & Security Review 20 (2), 84-97, 2004
Digital Propertization of the New Artifacts: The Application of Technologies for Soft Representations of the Physical and Metaphysical
M Perry
Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 11, 671, 2003
Policy enforcement pattern
Y Zhou, Q Zhao, M Perry
Proceedings of the Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 1-14, 2002
Trust bootstrapping services and service providers
ZM Aljazzaf, MAM Capretz, M Perry
2011 Ninth Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, 7-15, 2011
The proxy-based mobile grid
A Khalaj, H Lutfiyya, M Perry
Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications: Third …, 2010
Sla automated negotiation manager for computing services
H Kaminski, M Perry
The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 3rd …, 2006
Going for the throat: Carnivore in an Echelon World1—Part I
T Nabbali, M Perry
Computer Law & Security Review 19 (6), 456-467, 2003
Scientific and critical editions of public domain works: an example of European copyright law (dis) harmonization
T Margoni, M Perry
Canadian Intellectual Property Review 27, 157, 2011
Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century: Reflecting Policy Through Change
mark perry
Springer, 2016
Trust metrics for services and service providers
ZM Aljazzaf, M Perry, MAM Capretz
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on Internet and web …, 2011
Reasoning over ontologies of on demand service
Y Zhou, Q Zhao, M Perry
2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service …, 2005
Trust in web services
ZM Aljazzaf, M Perry, MAM Capretz
2010 6th World Congress on Services, 189-190, 2010
Open Source Software Licensing Patterns
H Kaminski, M Perry
Proceedings of the Sixth Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of …, 2007
Sita: Protecting internet trade agents from malicious hosts
M Perry, Q Zhang
International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications …, 2001
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Articles 1–20