Vladimir A. Aksyuk
Vladimir A. Aksyuk
Project Leader, Physical Measurement Laboratory, NIST
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Cited by
Quantum mechanical actuation of microelectromechanical systems by the Casimir force
HB Chan, VA Aksyuk, RN Kleiman, DJ Bishop, F Capasso
Science 291 (5510), 1941-1944, 2001
Nonlinear micromechanical Casimir oscillator
HB Chan, VA Aksyuk, RN Kleiman, DJ Bishop, F Capasso
Physical Review Letters 87, 211801, 2001
Giant piezoelectricity on Si for hyperactive MEMS
SH Baek, J Park, DM Kim, VA Aksyuk, RR Das, SD Bu, DA Felker, ...
Science 334 (6058), 958-961, 2011
Wavelength add-drop switching using tilting micromirrors
JE Ford, VA Aksyuk, DJ Bishop, JA Walker
Journal of lightwave technology 17 (5), 904, 1999
1100 x 1100 port MEMS-based optical crossconnect with 4-dB maximum loss
J Kim, CJ Nuzman, B Kumar, DF Lieuwen, JS Kraus, A Weiss, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (11), 1537-1539, 2003
Wavelength-selective 1 x K switches using free-space optics and MEMS micromirrors: theory, design, and implementation
DM Marom, DT Neilson, DS Greywall, CS Pai, NR Basavanhally, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 23 (4), 1620, 2005
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Wideband Wavelength Conversion<? format?> in Silicon Nitride Microdisk Optomechanical Resonators
Y Liu, M Davanço, V Aksyuk, K Srinivasan
Physical review letters 110 (22), 223603, 2013
Optomechanical transduction of an integrated silicon cantilever probe using a microdisk resonator
K Srinivasan, H Miao, MT Rakher, M Davanco, V Aksyuk
Nano letters 11 (2), 791-797, 2011
Photonic chip for laser stabilization to an atomic vapor with 10−11 instability
MT Hummon, S Kang, DG Bopp, Q Li, DA Westly, S Kim, C Fredrick, ...
Optica 5 (4), 443-449, 2018
A silicon MEMS optical switch attenuator and its use in lightwave subsystems
CR Giles, V Aksyuk, B Barber, R Ruel, L Stulz, D Bishop
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 5 (1), 18-25, 1999
A fiber connectorized MEMS variable optical attenuator
B Barber, CR Giles, V Askyuk, R Ruel, L Stulz, D Bishop
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 10 (9), 1262-1264, 1998
Beam-steering micromirrors for large optical cross-connects
VA Aksyuk, F Pardo, D Carr, D Greywall, HB Chan, ME Simon, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 21 (3), 634, 2003
Fully provisioned 112/spl times/112 micro-mechanical optical crossconnect with 35.8 Tb/s demonstrated capacity
DT Neilson, VA Aksyuk, S Arney, NR Basavanhally, KS Bhalla, DJ Bishop, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Technical Digest Postconference …, 2000
Strong Casimir force reduction through metallic surface nanostructuring
F Intravaia, S Koev, IW Jung, AA Talin, PS Davids, RS Decca, VA Aksyuk, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2515, 2013
1296-port MEMS transparent optical crossconnect with 2.07 petabit/s switch capacity
R Ryf, J Kim, JP Hickey, A Gnauck, D Carr, F Pardo, C Bolle, R Frahm, ...
OFC 2001. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit. Technical …, 2001
Micro-opto-electromechanical devices and method therefor
VA Aksyuk, BP Barber, DJ Bishop, PL Gammel, CR Giles
US Patent 5,995,688, 1999
Nanophotonic atomic force microscope transducers enable chemical composition and thermal conductivity measurements at the nanoscale
J Chae, S An, G Ramer, V Stavila, G Holland, Y Yoon, AA Talin, ...
Nano letters 17 (9), 5587-5594, 2017
Lucent Microstar micromirror array technology for large optical crossconnects
VA Aksyuk, F Pardo, CA Bolle, S Arney, CR Giles, DJ Bishop
MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems 4178, 320-324, 2000
Article comprising a wavelength-selective add-drop multiplexer
VA Aksyuk, DJ Bishop, JE Ford, RE Slusher
US Patent 5,974,207, 1999
Observation of mesoscopic vortex physics using micromechanical oscillators
CA Bolle, V Aksyuk, F Pardo, PL Gammel, E Zeldov, E Bucher, R Boie, ...
Nature 399 (6731), 43-46, 1999
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Articles 1–20