Zhice Fang
Cited by
Cited by
Comparison of convolutional neural networks for landslide susceptibility mapping in Yanshan County, China
Y Wang, Z Fang, H Hong
Science of the total environment 666, 975-993, 2019
Integration of convolutional neural network and conventional machine learning classifiers for landslide susceptibility mapping
Z Fang, Y Wang, L Peng, H Hong
Computers & Geosciences 139, 104470, 2020
Flood susceptibility mapping using convolutional neural network frameworks
Y Wang, Z Fang, H Hong, L Peng
Journal of hydrology 582, 124482, 2020
Comparative study of landslide susceptibility mapping with different recurrent neural networks
Y Wang, Z Fang, M Wang, L Peng, H Hong
Computers & Geosciences 138, 104445, 2020
Predicting flood susceptibility using LSTM neural networks
Z Fang, Y Wang, L Peng, H Hong
Journal of Hydrology 594, 125734, 2021
A comparative study of heterogeneous ensemble-learning techniques for landslide susceptibility mapping
Z Fang, Y Wang, L Peng, H Hong
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35 (2), 321-347, 2021
Flood susceptibility mapping by integrating frequency ratio and index of entropy with multilayer perceptron and classification and regression tree
Y Wang, Z Fang, H Hong, R Costache, X Tang
Journal of Environmental Management 289, 112449, 2021
Multi-hazard susceptibility mapping based on Convolutional Neural Networks
K Ullah, Y Wang, Z Fang, L Wang, M Rahman
Geoscience Frontiers 13 (5), 101425, 2022
Multiple kernel-based SVM classification of hyperspectral images by combining spectral, spatial, and semantic information
Y Wang, W Yu, Z Fang
Remote Sensing 12 (1), 120, 2020
Stacking ensemble of deep learning methods for landslide susceptibility mapping in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China
W Li, Z Fang, Y Wang
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1-22, 2021
Landslide susceptibility mapping using rotation forest ensemble technique with different decision trees in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China
Z Fang, Y Wang, G Duan, L Peng
Remote Sensing 13 (2), 238, 2021
Potential of ensemble learning to improve tree-based classifiers for landslide susceptibility mapping
J Song, Y Wang, Z Fang, L Peng, H Hong
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Landslide susceptibility prediction based on positive unlabeled learning coupled with adaptive sampling
Z Fang, Y Wang, R Niu, L Peng
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
Space–time landslide susceptibility modeling based on data-driven methods
Z Fang, Y Wang, C van Westen, L Lombardo
Mathematical Geosciences 56 (6), 1335-1354, 2024
Comparison of general kernel, multiple kernel, infinite ensemble and semi-supervised support vector machines for landslide susceptibility prediction
Z Fang, Y Wang, H Duan, R Niu, L Peng
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 36 (10), 3535-3556, 2022
Speech-recognition in landslide predictive modelling: A case for a next generation early warning system
Z Fang, H Tanyas, T Gorum, A Dahal, Y Wang, L Lombardo
Environmental Modelling & Software 170, 105833, 2023
Landslide hazard spatiotemporal prediction based on data-driven models: Estimating where, when and how large landslide may be
Z Fang, Y Wang, C van Westen, L Lombardo
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 126 …, 2024
From spatio-temporal landslide susceptibility to landslide risk forecast
T Wang, A Dahal, Z Fang, C van Westen, K Yin, L Lombardo
Geoscience Frontiers 15 (2), 101765, 2024
Space-time modeling of landslide size by combining static, dynamic, and unobserved spatiotemporal factors
Z Fang, Y Wang, C van Westen, L Lombardo
Catena 240, 107989, 2024
Investigating earthquake legacy effect on hillslope deformation using InSAR‐derived time series
K He, L Lombardo, L Chang, N Sadhasivam, X Hu, Z Fang, A Dahal, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 49 (3), 980-990, 2024
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Articles 1–20