Jibanananda Roy
Jibanananda Roy
Director, Texellation Software
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Cited by
Cited by
Groundwater potential modelling in a soft rock area using a GIS
S Shahid, SK Nath, J Roy
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (9), 1919-1924, 2000
Fuzzy ARTMAP supervised classification of multi-spectral remotely-sensed images
B Mannan, J Roy, AK Ray
International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 (4), 767-774, 1998
Landsat TM data processing techniques for identifying and delineating environmental impacts of coal mining
RS Chatterjee, D Bannerjee, J Roy, AK Bhattacharya
ITC journal 2, 155-162, 1994
Method, system, and program product for measuring audio video synchronization independent of speaker characteristics
JC Cooper, MD Vojnovic, J Roy, S Jain, C Smith
US Patent App. 11/598,888, 2008
Mapping geological features of the Jharia coalfield from Landsat-5 TM data
RS Chatterjee, J Roy, AK Bhattacharya
Remote Sensing 17 (16), 3257-3270, 1996
Method, system, and program product for measuring audio video synchronization using lip and teeth characteristics
JC Cooper, MD Vojnovic, J Roy, S Jain, C Smith
US Patent 10,397,646, 2019
Method, system, and program product for measuring audio video synchronization
J Cooper, M Vojnovic, J Roy, S Jain, C Smith
US Patent App. 11/598,871, 2007
Multiple scale correlation of chirp signal by discrete wavelet transform
C Bhattacharya, J Roy, A Kar
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2003
Speckle reduction and hierarchical resolution formation in SAR signal domain
C Bhattacharya, J Roy, A Kar
5th Int’l Conf. Adv. Pattern Recog., ISI, Kolkata, India, 2003
Speckle reduction in multiple scale chirp signal using wavelet transform
C Bhattacharya, J Roy, A Kar
IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2003
A seismic refraction interpretation package using generalised reciprocal method
A Chakraborty, SK Nath, J Roy, S Sengupta
Journal of Association of Exploration Geophysicists 12 (2), 113-122, 1991
DEAL (DRDO), Dehradun e-mail: dealdrdo@ del2. vsnl. net. in
FISARS Domain, C Bhattacharya, J Royı, A Kar
Advances in Pattern Recognition ICAPR2003, 196, 2003
Other Classes
CJ Cooper, MD Vojnovic, J Roy, S Jain, C Smith
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Articles 1–13