Johanna E van Schaik
Johanna E van Schaik
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Cited by
Little chameleons: The development of social mimicry during early childhood
JE van Schaik, S Hunnius
Journal of experimental child psychology 147, 71-81, 2016
Motion tracking in developmental research: Methods, considerations, and applications
JE van Schaik, N Dominici
Progress in Brain Research 254, 89-111, 2020
Motion tracking of parents’ infant‐versus adult‐directed actions reveals general and action‐specific modulations
JE van Schaik, M Meyer, CR van Ham, S Hunnius
Developmental Science 23 (1), e12869, 2020
How infant‐directed actions enhance infants’ attention, learning, and exploration: Evidence from EEG and computational modeling
M Meyer, JE van Schaik, F Poli, S Hunnius
Developmental science 26 (1), e13259, 2023
Coding in the cot? Factors influencing 0–17s’ experiences with technology and coding in the United Kingdom
SA Gerson, RD Morey, JE van Schaik
Computers & Education 178, 104400, 2022
The modulation of facial mimicry by attachment tendencies and their underlying affiliation motives in 3-year-olds: An EMG study
SV Vacaru, JE van Schaik, S Hunnius
PLoS One 14 (7), e0218676, 2019
Hands-on exploration of cubes’ floating and sinking benefits children’s subsequent buoyancy predictions
JE Van Schaik, T Slim, RK Franse, MEJ Raijmakers
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1665, 2020
Modulating mimicry: Exploring the roles of inhibitory control and social understanding in 5-year-olds' behavioral mimicry
JE Van Schaik, S Hunnius
Plos one 13 (3), e0194102, 2018
Five-year-olds’ facial mimicry following social ostracism is modulated by attachment security
SV Vacaru, JE Van Schaik, E De Water, S Hunnius
Plos one 15 (12), e0240680, 2020
Young children’s motor interference is influenced by novel group membership
JE van Schaik, HM Endedijk, JC Stapel, S Hunnius
Frontiers in psychology 7, 321, 2016
Struggling or Succeeding in Science and Technology Education: Elementary School Students’ Individual Differences During Inquiry-and Design-Based Learning
T Slim, JE van Schaik, M Dobber, ACG Hotze, MEJ Raijmakers
Frontiers in Education 7, 842537, 2022
Let’s talk action: Infant-directed speech facilitates infants’ action learning.
MS Schreiner, JE van Schaik, J Sučević, S Hunnius, M Meyer
Developmental Psychology 56 (9), 1623, 2020
Evidence for nonconscious behavior-copying in young children
JE Van Schaik, R Van Baaren, H Bekkering, S Hunnius
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 35 (35), 2013
Attitudes towards reading amongst kindergarten and Grade 1 children
L van der Sande, M Dobber, JE van Schaik, R van Steensel
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 31 (3), 399-420, 2023
Measuring mimicry: general corticospinal facilitation during observation of naturalistic behaviour
JE van Schaik, LM Sacheli, H Bekkering, I Toni, SM Aglioti
European Journal of Neuroscience 46 (2), 1828-1836, 2017
Infants’ sensitivity to emotional expressions in actions: The contributions of parental expressivity and motor experience
L Schröer, D Çetin, SV Vacaru, M Addabbo, JE van Schaik, S Hunnius
Infant Behavior and Development 68, 101751, 2022
Little chameleons: An investigation into the development and mechanisms of behavioral mimicry
JE van Schaik
[Sl]:[Sn], 2017
No evidence for modulation of facial mimicry by attachment tendencies in adulthood: An EMG investigation
SV Vacaru, JE van Schaik, L Spiess, S Hunnius
The Journal of Social Psychology 164 (1), 12-26, 2024
Correction: The modulation of facial mimicry by attachment tendencies and their underlying affiliation motives in 3-year-olds: An EMG study
SV Vacaru, JE van Schaik, S Hunnius
Plos one 14 (11), e0225493, 2019
Optimal processing of surface facial EMG to identify emotional expressions: A data-driven approach
JM Rutkowska, T Ghilardi, SV Vacaru, JE van Schaik, M Meyer, ...
Behavior Research Methods, 1-14, 2024
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Articles 1–20