Giancarlo Succi
Giancarlo Succi
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Cited by
A comparative analysis of the efficiency of change metrics and static code attributes for defect prediction
R Moser, W Pedrycz, G Succi
Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering …, 2008
An empirical study of open-source and closed-source software products
JW Paulson, G Succi, A Eberlein
IEEE transactions on software engineering 30 (4), 246-256, 2004
What we have learned about fighting defects
F Shull, V Basili, B Boehm, AW Brown, P Costa, M Lindvall, D Port, I Rus, ...
Proceedings eighth IEEE symposium on software metrics, 249-258, 2002
Computational intelligence: an introduction
W Pedrycz, A Sillitti, G Succi
Computational Intelligence and Quantitative Software Engineering, 13-31, 2016
Project management in plan-based and agile companies
M Ceschi, A Sillitti, G Succi, S De Panfilis
IEEE software 22 (3), 21-27, 2005
A case study on the impact of refactoring on quality and productivity in an agile team
R Moser, P Abrahamsson, W Pedrycz, A Sillitti, G Succi
IFIP Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques …, 2007
Authentication in cloud-driven IoT-based big data environment: Survey and outlook
M Wazid, AK Das, R Hussain, G Succi, JJPC Rodrigues
Journal of systems architecture 97, 185-196, 2019
Extreme programming examined
G Succi, M Marchesi
Addison-Wesley, 2001
Failure prediction based on log files using random indexing and support vector machines
I Fronza, A Sillitti, G Succi, M Terho, J Vlasenko
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (1), 2-11, 2013
Requirements engineering for agile methods
A Sillitti, G Succi
Engineering and Managing Software Requirements, 309-326, 2005
Collecting, integrating and analyzing software metrics and personal software process data
Sillitti, Janes, Succi, Vernazza
2003 Proceedings 29th Euromicro Conference, 336-342, 2003
Effective dashboard design
A Janes, A Sillitti, G Succi
Cutter IT journal 26 (1), 17-24, 2013
Managing uncertainty in requirements: a survey in documentation-driven and agile companies
A Sillitti, M Ceschi, B Russo, G Succi
11th IEEE international software metrics symposium (METRICS'05), 10 pp.-17, 2005
Does refactoring improve reusability?
R Moser, A Sillitti, P Abrahamsson, G Succi
International conference on software reuse, 287-297, 2006
Data description: A general framework of information granules
W Pedrycz, G Succi, A Sillitti, J Iljazi
Knowledge-Based Systems 80, 98-108, 2015
Mobile multiplatform development: An experiment for performance analysis
L Corral, A Sillitti, G Succi
Procedia Computer Science 10, 736-743, 2012
Software cost estimation with fuzzy models
P Musílek, W Pedrycz, G Succi, M Reformat
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 8 (2), 24-29, 2000
Identification of defect-prone classes in telecommunication software systems using design metrics
A Janes, M Scotto, W Pedrycz, B Russo, M Stefanovic, G Succi
Information sciences 176 (24), 3711-3734, 2006
Parallel logic programming
E Tick, G Succi
Adoption of free/libre open source software in public organizations: factors of impact
B Rossi, B Russo, G Succi
Information Technology & People 25 (2), 156-187, 2012
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Articles 1–20