Aristide Fattori
Aristide Fattori
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CopperDroid: Automatic Reconstruction of Android Malware Behaviors
K Tam, SJ Khan, A Fattori, L Cavallaro
Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium, 2015
A system call-centric analysis and stimulation technique to automatically reconstruct android malware behaviors
A Reina, A Fattori, L Cavallaro
EuroSec, April, 2013
Live and trustworthy forensic analysis of commodity production systems
L Martignoni, A Fattori, R Paleari, L Cavallaro
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 297-316, 2010
Dynamic and transparent analysis of commodity production systems
A Fattori, R Paleari, L Martignoni, M Monga
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2010
When Hardware Meets Software: A Bulletproof Solution to Forensic Memory Acquisition
A Reina, A Fattori, F Pagani, L Cavallaro, D Bruschi
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2012, 2012
Puppetdroid: A user-centric ui exerciser for automatic dynamic analysis of similar android applications
A Gianazza, F Maggi, A Fattori, L Cavallaro, S Zanero
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.4826, 2014
Take a deep breath: a stealthy, resilient and cost-effective botnet using skype
A Nappa, A Fattori, M Balduzzi, M Dell’Amico, L Cavallaro
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 7th …, 2010
Hypervisor-based Malware Protection with AccessMiner
A Fattori, A Lanzi, D Balzarotti, E Kirda
Computers & Security 52, 33-50, 2015
Peering into the Muddy Waters of Pastebin
S Matic, A Fattori, D Bruschi, L Cavallaro
Cybercrime, 16, 2012
CopperDroid: On the reconstruction of android malware behaviors
A Fattori, K Tam, SJ Khan, A Reina, L Cavallaro
Tech. Rep. MA-2014-01, 2014
Improving mac os x security through gray box fuzzing technique
SB Mazzone, M Pagnozzi, A Fattori, A Reina, A Lanzi, D Bruschi
Proceedings of the Seventh European Workshop on System Security, 1-6, 2014
On the Privacy of Real-World Friend-Finder Services
A Fattori, A Reina, A Gerino, S Mascetti
Automatic reconstruction of android malware behaviors
K Tam, SJ Khan, A Fattori, L Cavallaro
ESORICS, Springer, 2013
MISHIMA: Multilateration of Internet hosts hidden using malicious fast-flux agents (Short Paper)
G Banks, A Fattori, R Kemmerer, C Kruegel, G Vigna
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 8th …, 2011
On the Reconstruction of Android Malware Behaviors
A Fattori, K Tam, SJ Khan, L Cavallaro, A Reina
This is pioneering work which uses Binder as a central component of an …, 2014
Hardware-Assisted Virtualization and its Applications to Systems Security
A Fattori
Università degli Studi di Milano, 2014
Take a Deep Breath
M Balduzzi, L Cavallaro, M Dell'Amico, A Fattori, A Nappa
DIMVA 2010, July 8-9, 2010, Paris, France, 2010
ARES 2016
S Van Acker, I Agudo, E Aimeur, P Amann, TR Andel, A Anjomshoaa, ...
Organizing Committee ARES 2014
C Mulliner, E Weippl, S Teufel, C Strauss
Program Committee ARES 2015
JA Solworth, I Agudo, P Amann, A Anjomshoaa, A Askarov, R Borgaonkar, ...
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Articles 1–20