Ivan Mura
Ivan Mura
Adjunct Associate Professor at Duke Kunshan University
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Markov regenerative stochastic Petri nets to model and evaluate phased mission systems dependability
I Mura, A Bondavalli
IEEE Transactions on Computers 50 (12), 1337-1351, 2001
Dependability modeling and evaluation of multiple-phased systems using DEEM
A Bondavalli, S Chiaradonna, F Di Giandomenico, I Mura
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 53 (4), 509-522, 2004
An efficient and exact stochastic simulation method to analyze rare events in biochemical systems
H Kuwahara, I Mura
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (16), 2008
Stochastic Petri Net extension of a yeast cell cycle model
I Mura, A Csikász-Nagy
Journal of theoretical biology 254 (4), 850-860, 2008
Dependability Modeling and Evaluation of Phased Mission Systems: a DSPN Approach
I Mura, A Bondavalli, X Zang, KS Trivedi
Dependable Computing for Critical Applications 7, 1999, 319 - 337, 1999
Hierarchical modeling and evaluation of phased-mission systems
I Mura, A Bondavalli
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 48 (4), 360-368, 1999
Automated dependability analysis of UML designs
A Bondavalli, I Majzik, I Mura
Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time …, 1999
Automatic dependability analysis for supporting design decisions in UML
A Bondavalli, I Majzik, I Mura
Proceedings 4th IEEE International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems …, 1999
DEEM: a tool for the dependability modeling and evaluation of multiple phased systems
A Bondavalli, I Mura, S Chiaradonna, R Filippini, S Poli, F Sandrini
Dependable Systems and Networks, 2000. DSN 2000. Proceedings International …, 2000
Dependability modelling and sensitivity analysis of scheduled maintenance systems
A Bondavalli, I Mura, KS Trivedi
European Dependable Computing Conference, 7-23, 1999
Analysing biochemical oscillation through probabilistic model checking
P Ballarini, R Mardare, I Mura
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 229 (1), 3-19, 2009
Air Pollution alongside Bike-Paths in Bogotá-Colombia
JF Franco, JF Segura, I Mura
Frontiers in Environmental Science 4, 1-11, 2016
Analytical modelling and evaluation of phased-mission systems for space applications
A Bondavalli, I Mural, M Nelli
High-Assurance Systems Engineering Workshop, 1997., Proceedings, 85-91, 1997
A hierarchical radio resource management framework for integrating WLANs in cellular networking environments
GT Karetsos, SA Kyriazakos, E Groustiotis, F Di Giandomenico, I Mura
IEEE Wireless Communications 12 (6), 11-17, 2005
How Do People Understand Urban Air Pollution? Exploring Citizens’ Perception on Air Quality, Its Causes and Impacts in Colombian Cities
O Ramírez, I Mura, JF Franco
Open Journal of Air Pollution 6 (1), 1-17, 2017
Service-level availability estimation of GPRS
S Porcarelli, F Di Giandomenico, A Bondavalli, M Barbera, I Mura
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2 (3), 233-247, 2003
Experiments on the reliability of stochastic spiking neural P systems
M Cavaliere, I Mura
Natural Computing 7, 453-470, 2008
Exploiting non-markovian bio-processes
I Mura, D Prandi, C Priami, A Romanel
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 253 (3), 83-98, 2009
Approximate response time distribution in Fork and Join systems
S Balsamo, I Mura
Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on …, 1995
A decade of air quality in Bogotá: a descriptive analysis
I Mura, JF Franco, L Bernal, N Melo, JJ Díaz, R Akhavan-Tabatabaei
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 65, 2020
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Articles 1–20