Hrafn Loftsson
Hrafn Loftsson
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Reykjavik University
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Cited by
A mixed method lemmatization algorithm using a hierarchy of linguistic identities (HOLI)
AK Ingason, S Helgadóttir, H Loftsson, E Rögnvaldsson
Advances in natural language processing: 6th international conference, GoTAL …, 2008
Tagging Icelandic text: A linguistic rule-based approach
H Loftsson
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 31 (1), 47-72, 2008
The tagged Icelandic corpus (MÍM)
S Helgadóttir, Á Svavarsdóttir, E Rögnvaldsson, K Bjarnadóttir, H Loftsson
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology for Normalisation of Less …, 2012
Correcting a POS-tagged corpus using three complementary methods
H Loftsson
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL …, 2009
Language technology programme for Icelandic 2019-2023
AB Nikulásdóttir, J Guđnason, AK Ingason, H Loftsson, E Rögnvaldsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09244, 2020
IceNLP: a natural language processing toolkit for icelandic.
H Loftsson, E Rögnvaldsson
INTERSPEECH, 1533-1536, 2007
IceParser: An incremental finite-state parser for Icelandic
H Loftsson, E Rögnvaldsson
Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2007
Nefnir: A high accuracy lemmatizer for Icelandic
SL Ingólfsdóttir, H Loftsson, JF Dađason, K Bjarnadóttir
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.11907, 2019
Developing a PoS-tagged corpus using existing tools
H Loftsson, JH Yngvason, S Helgadóttir, E Rögnvaldsson
7th SaLTMiL Workshop on Creation and use of basic lexical resources for less …, 2010
Augmenting a BiLSTM tagger with a morphological lexicon and a lexical category identification step
S Steingrímsson, Ö Kárason, H Loftsson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.09038, 2019
European Language Resources Association (ELRA): Paris
N Calzolari, K Choukri, T Declerck, H Loftsson, B Maegaard, J Mariani, ...
France, 2018
Tagging Icelandic text: An experiment with integrations and combinations of taggers
H Loftsson
Language Resources and Evaluation 40, 175-181, 2006
Context-sensitive spelling correction and rich morphology
AK Ingason, SB Jóhannsson, E Rögnvaldsson, H Loftsson, S Helgadóttir
Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2009
A wide-coverage context-free grammar for Icelandic and an accompanying parsing system
V Ţorsteinsson, H Óladóttir, H Loftsson
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural …, 2019
Almannaromur: An open icelandic speech corpus
J Guđnason, O Kjartansson, J Jóhannsson, E Carstensdóttir, ...
Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages, 2012
Combitagger: A system for developing combined taggers
V Henrich, T Reuter, H Loftsson
Twenty-Second International FLAIRS Conference, 2009
Tagging a morphologically complex language using an averaged perceptron tagger: The case of Icelandic
H Loftsson, R Östling
19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013), Oslo …, 2013
Waste not, want not: Towards a system architecture for ICALL based on NLP component re-use
E Volodina, L Borin, H Loftsson, B Arnbjörnsdóttir, GÖ Leifsson
Proceedings of the SLTC 2012 workshop on NLP for CALL, 47-58, 2012
Apertium-IceNLP: A rule-based Icelandic to English machine translation system
MD Brandt, H Loftsson, H Sigurţórsson, F Tyers
Proceedings of the 15th Annual conference of the European Association for …, 2011
Improving the PoS tagging accuracy of Icelandic text
H Loftsson, I Kramarczyk, S Helgadóttir, E Rögnvaldsson
Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2009
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Articles 1–20