Simo Hosio
Simo Hosio
Academy Research Fellow, Associate Professor, University of Oulu
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An empirical investigation of mobile government adoption in rural China: A case study in Zhejiang province
Y Liu, H Li, V Kostakos, J Goncalves, S Hosio, F Hu
Government Information Quarterly 31 (3), 432-442, 2014
Multipurpose interactive public displays in the wild: Three years later
T Ojala, V Kostakos, H Kukka, T Heikkinen, T Linden, M Jurmu, S Hosio, ...
Computer 45 (5), 42-49, 2012
CHI 1994-2013: mapping two decades of intellectual progress through co-word analysis
Y Liu, J Goncalves, D Ferreira, B Xiao, S Hosio, V Kostakos
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2014
Are smartphones ubiquitous?: An in-depth survey of smartphone adoption by seniors
A Berenguer, J Goncalves, S Hosio, D Ferreira, T Anagnostopoulos, ...
IEEE consumer electronics magazine 6 (1), 104-110, 2016
Using public displays to stimulate passive engagement, active engagement, and discovery in public spaces
N Memarovic, M Langheinrich, F Alt, I Elhart, S Hosio, E Rubegni
Proceedings of the Media Architecture Biennale Conference: Participation, 55-64, 2012
UBI-hotspot 1.0: Large-scale long-term deployment of interactive public displays in a city center
T Ojala, H Kukka, T Lindén, T Heikkinen, M Jurmu, S Hosio, F Kruger
2010 Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2010
Revisitation analysis of smartphone app use
SL Jones, D Ferreira, S Hosio, J Goncalves, V Kostakos
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
Crowdsourcing on the spot: altruistic use of public displays, feasibility, performance, and behaviours
J Goncalves, D Ferreira, S Hosio, Y Liu, J Rogstadius, H Kukka, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and …, 2013
Gamification of mobile experience sampling improves data quality and quantity
N Van Berkel, J Goncalves, S Hosio, V Kostakos
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2017
From school food to skate parks in a few clicks: using public displays to bootstrap civic engagement of the young
S Hosio, V Kostakos, H Kukka, M Jurmu, J Riekki, T Ojala
Pervasive Computing: 10th International Conference, Pervasive 2012 …, 2012
Effect of experience sampling schedules on response rate and recall accuracy of objective self-reports
N van Berkel, J Goncalves, L Lovén, D Ferreira, S Hosio, V Kostakos
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 125, 118-128, 2019
Effect of information presentation on fairness perceptions of machine learning predictors
N Van Berkel, J Goncalves, D Russo, S Hosio, MB Skov
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
A systematic assessment of smartphone usage gaps
N Van Berkel, C Luo, T Anagnostopoulos, D Ferreira, J Goncalves, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Motivating participation and improving quality of contribution in ubiquitous crowdsourcing
J Goncalves, S Hosio, J Rogstadius, E Karapanos, V Kostakos
Computer networks 90, 34-48, 2015
Situated crowdsourcing using a market model
S Hosio, J Goncalves, V Lehdonvirta, D Ferreira, V Kostakos
Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2014
Game of words: tagging places through crowdsourcing on public displays
J Goncalves, S Hosio, D Ferreira, V Kostakos
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 705-714, 2014
Crowdsourcing Public Opinion Using Urban Pervasive Technologies: Lessons From Real‐Life Experiments in Oulu
S Hosio, J Goncalves, V Kostakos, J Riekki
Policy & Internet 7 (2), 203-222, 2015
Towards augmented reality driven human-city interaction: Current research on mobile headsets and future challenges
LH Lee, T Braud, S Hosio, P Hui
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (8), 1-38, 2021
Overcoming compliance bias in self-report studies: A cross-study analysis
N van Berkel, J Goncalves, S Hosio, Z Sarsenbayeva, E Velloso, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 134, 1-12, 2020
Supporting distributed private and public user interfaces in urban environments
S Hosio, M Jurmu, H Kukka, J Riekki, T Ojala
Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems …, 2010
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Articles 1–20