Agell Jané Núria
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Cited by
Combining lean and agile manufacturing competitive advantages through Industry 4.0 technologies: an integrative approach
B Ding, X Ferras Hernandez, N Agell Jane
Production planning & control 34 (5), 442-458, 2023
Decision making under uncertainty using a qualitative TOPSIS method for selecting sustainable energy alternatives
A Afsordegan, M Sánchez, N Agell, S Zahedi, LV Cremades
International journal of environmental science and technology 13, 1419-1432, 2016
Using consensus and distances between generalized multi-attribute linguistic assessments for group decision-making
L Roselló, M Sánchez, N Agell, F Prats, FA Mazaira
Information Fusion 17, 83-92, 2014
Ranking multi-attribute alternatives on the basis of linguistic labels in group decisions
N Agell, M Sánchez, F Prats, L Roselló
Information Sciences 209, 49-60, 2012
Measuring consensus in group decisions by means of qualitative reasoning
L Roselló, F Prats, N Agell, M Sánchez
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51 (4), 441-452, 2010
Free double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets: An application on ranking alternatives in GDM
J Montserrat-Adell, Z Xu, X Gou, N Agell
Information Fusion 47, 45-59, 2019
A linear programming approach for learning non-monotonic additive value functions in multiple criteria decision aiding
M Ghaderi, F Ruiz, N Agell
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3), 1073-1084, 2017
Understanding the impact of brand colour on brand image: A preference disaggregation approach
M Ghaderi, F Ruiz, N Agell
Pattern Recognition Letters 67, 11-18, 2015
IDD: a supervised interval distance-based method for discretization
FJ Ruiz, C Angulo, N Agell
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 20 (9), 1230-1238, 2008
Multiple-criteria evaluation for value management in civil engineering
M Sánchez, F Prats, N Agell, G Ormazabal
Journal of Management in Engineering 21 (3), 131-137, 2005
Influential factors in water planning for sustainable tourism destinations
M Vila, A Afsordegan, N Agell, M Sánchez, G Costa
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 26 (7), 1241-1256, 2018
Expressiveness and robustness measures for the evaluation of an additive value function in multiple criteria preference disaggregation methods: An experimental analysis
M Kadziński, M Ghaderi, J Wąsikowski, N Agell
Computers & operations research 87, 146-164, 2017
Relative and absolute order-of-magnitude models unified
L Travé-Massuyčs, F Prats, M Sánchez, N Agell
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 45, 323-341, 2005
Bridging cognitive models and recommender systems
C Angulo, IZ Falomir, D Anguita, N Agell, E Cambria
Cognitive Computation 12, 426-427, 2020
Modeling group assessments by means of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets
J Montserrat-Adell, N Agell, M Sánchez, F Prats, FJ Ruiz
Journal of Applied Logic 23, 40-50, 2017
Fuzzy approach to life cycle impact assessment: An application for biowaste management systems
LP Güereca, N Agell, S Gassó, JM Baldasano
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 12, 488-496, 2007
Consensus, dissension and precision in group decision making by means of an algebraic extension of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets
J Montserrat-Adell, N Agell, M Sánchez, FJ Ruiz
Information Fusion 42, 1-11, 2018
Improved market segmentation by fuzzifying crisp clusters: A case study of the energy market in Spain
M Casabayó, N Agell, G Sánchez-Hernández
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (3), 1637-1643, 2015
A decision support tool using Order Weighted Averaging for conference review assignment
J Nguyen, G Sánchez-Hernández, N Agell, X Rovira, C Angulo
Pattern Recognition Letters 105, 114-120, 2018
Ranking and selection of unsupervised learning marketing segmentation
G Sánchez-Hernández, F Chiclana, N Agell, JC Aguado
Knowledge-based systems 44, 20-33, 2013
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Articles 1–20