Mohammad Hajjat
Cited by
Cited by
Cloudward bound: planning for beneficial migration of enterprise applications to the cloud
M Hajjat, X Sun, YWE Sung, D Maltz, S Rao, K Sripanidkulchai, ...
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 40 (4), 243-254, 2010
Network architecture for cloud computing environments
M Cometto, M Ferenczy, S Kini, MY Hajjat, M Sharma
US Patent 11,271,905, 2022
Inferring undesirable behavior from P2P traffic analysis
RD Torres, MY Hajjat, SG Rao, M Mellia, MM Munafň
Proceedings of the eleventh international joint conference on Measurement …, 2009
Dealer: application-aware request splitting for interactive cloud applications
M Hajjat, SP N, D Maltz, S Rao, K Sripanidkulchai
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Emerging networking …, 2012
Application-specific configuration selection in the cloud: impact of provider policy and potential of systematic testing
M Hajjat, R Liu, Y Chang, TSE Ng, S Rao
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 873-881, 2015
RelSamp: Preserving application structure in sampled flow measurements
M Lee, M Hajjat, RR Kompella, S Rao
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2354-2362, 2011
Measuring and characterizing the performance of interactive multi-tier cloud applications
M Hajjat, S Pn, A Sivakumar, S Rao
The 21st IEEE International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks …, 2015
Yu wei Eric Sung, David Maltz, Sanjay Rao, Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai, and Mohit Tawarmalani. Cloudward Bound: Planning for Beneficial Migration of Enterprise Applications to the …
M Hajjat, X Sun
In the Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference, 243-254, 0
A flow measurement architecture to preserve application structure
M Lee, M Hajjat, RR Kompella, SG Rao
Computer Networks 77, 181-195, 2015
Dynamic request splitting for interactive cloud applications
M Hajjat, PN Shankaranarayanan, D Maltz, S Rao, K Sripanidkulchai
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (12), 2722-2737, 2013
Network architecture for cloud computing environments
M Cometto, M Ferenczy, S Kini, MY Hajjat, M Sharma
US Patent 12,010,097, 2024
Dealer: Dynamic Request Splitting for Performance-Sensitive Applications in Multi-Cloud Environments
M Hajjat, S Narayanan, D Maltz, S Rao, K Sripanidkulchai
Network Architecture for Cloud Computing Environments
M Cometto, M Ferenczy, S Kini, MY Hajjat, M Sharma
US Patent App. 18/659,847, 2024
Architecting delay-sensitive applications for the cloud
MY Hajjat
Purdue University, 2014
M Hajjat
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Emerging networking …, 2012
Behavior-based characterization of peer-to-peer (p2p) traffic
R Torres, M Hajjat, S Rao
Proceedings of the 9th Annual Information Security Symposium, 1-1, 2008
Cloudward Bound
M Hajjat, X Sun, YW Sung, D Maltz, S Rao, K Sripanidkulchai, ...
Detecting P2P Malicious Behaviours
M Hajjat
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Articles 1–18