Towards automated feature engineering for credit card fraud detection using multi-perspective HMMs Y Lucas, PE Portier, L Laporte, L He-Guelton, O Caelen, M Granitzer, ... Future Generation Computer Systems 102, 393-402, 2020 | 138 | 2020 |
Nonconvex regularizations for feature selection in ranking with sparse svm L Laporte, R Flamary, S Canu, S Déjean, J Mothe IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 25 (6), 1118-1130, 2014 | 111 | 2014 |
Enhancing Recommendation Diversity using Determinantal Point Processes on Knowledge Graphs L Gan, D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Multiple perspectives HMM-based feature engineering for credit card fraud detection Y Lucas, PE Portier, L Laporte, S Calabretto, O Caelen, L He-Guelton, ... Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1359-1361, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Dataset shift quantification for credit card fraud detection Y Lucas, PE Portier, L Laporte, S Calabretto, L He-Guelton, F Oble, ... 2019 IEEE second international conference on artificial intelligence and …, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Query performance prediction focused on summarized letor features AG Chifu, L Laporte, J Mothe, MZ Ullah The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in …, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Stacked gender prediction from tweet texts and images notebook for pan at CLEF 2018 G Ciccone, A Sultan, L Laporte, E Egyed-Zsigmond, A Alhamzeh, ... CLEF 2018-Conference and Labs of the Evaluation, 11p, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
INSA LYON and UNI PASSAU's Participation at PAN@ CLEF'17: Author Profiling task. G Kheng, L Laporte, M Granitzer CLEF (Working notes), 2017 | 15* | 2017 |
Predicting Query Difficulty in IR: Impact of Difficulty Definition J Mothe, L Laporte, AG Chifu 2019 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Recommendation of Short-Term Activity Sequences During Distributed Events D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto, J Gensel International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017) 108, 2069-2078, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Users psychological profiles for leisure activity recommendation: user study D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto, J Gensel Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recommender Systems for …, 2017 | 9* | 2017 |
Itinerary Recommendation for Cruises: User Study D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto, J Gensel RecTour 2017: 2nd Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism 1906 (urn: nbn: de …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
EMDKG: Improving Accuracy-Diversity Trade-Off in Recommendation with EM-based Model and Knowledge Graph Embedding L Gan, D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
TournaRank: When retrieval becomes document competition G Hubert, Y Pitarch, K Pinel-Sauvagnat, R Tournier, L Laporte Information Processing & Management 54 (2), 252-272, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
ANASTASIA: recommandation de séquences d'activités spatio-temporelles D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto, J Gensel Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Recherche d'Information (RJCRI CORIA-CIFED), 10, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
La sélection de variables en apprentissage d'ordonnancement pour la recherche d'information: vers une approche contextuelle L Laporte Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
Identification de compatibilités entre tags descripteurs de lieux et apprentissage automatique E Delpech, L Candillier, L Laporte, S Phan EGC'13, 311--316, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Évaluation de la pertinence dans les moteurs de recherche géoréférencés. L Laporte, L Candillier, S Déjean, J Mothe INFORSID, 281-298, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Recommandation de séquences d'activités lors d'évènements distribués D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto, J Gen-Sel Conférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications (CORIA) 2018, 15th …, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Recommandation diversifiée via des processus ponctuels déterminantaux sur des graphes de connaissances L Gan, D Nurbakova, L Laporte, S Calabretto Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances: Actes EGC'2021, 2021 | | 2021 |