Blaine E. Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Wrapping a MOOC: Student perceptions of an experiment in blended learning
DO Bruff, DH Fisher, KE McEwen, BE Smith
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 9 (2), 187, 2013
Multimodal codemeshing: Bilingual adolescents’ processes composing across modes and languages
BE Smith, MB Pacheco, CR de Almeida
Journal of Second Language Writing 36, 6-22, 2017
Emergent Bilingual Students and Digital Multimodal Composition: A Systematic Review of Research in Secondary Classrooms
BE Smith, MB Pacheco, M Khorosheva
Reading Research Quarterly, 2020
Composing across modes: A comparative analysis of adolescents’ multimodal composing processes
BE Smith
Learning, Media and Technology 42 (3), 259-278, 2017
Across languages, modes, and identities: Bilingual adolescents’ multimodal codemeshing in the literacy classroom
MB Pacheco, BE Smith
Bilingual Research Journal 38 (3), 292-312, 2015
Beyond Words: A Review of Research on Adolescents and Multimodal Composition
BE Smith
Exploring Multimodal Composition and Digital Writing, 1-19, 2014
Fifth-grade students’ digital retellings and the Common Core: Modal use and design intentionality
B Dalton, KH Robinson, JF Lovvorn, BE Smith, T Alvey, E Mo, P Uccelli, ...
The Elementary School Journal 115 (4), 548-569, 2015
Composing for affect, audience, and identity: Toward a multidimensional understanding of adolescents’ multimodal composing goals and designs
BE Smith
Written communication 35 (2), 182-214, 2018
Mediational Modalities: Adolescents Collaboratively Interpreting Literature through Digital Multimodal Composing
BE Smith
Research in the Teaching of English 53 (3), 197-222, 2019
Orchestrating 21st century learning in higher education: A perspective on student voice
R Hämäläinen, C Kiili, BE Smith
British Journal of Educational Technology 48 (5), 1106-1118, 2017
Scaffolding multimodal composition with emergent bilingual students
MB Pacheco, BE Smith, A Deig, NA Amgott
Journal of Literacy Research 53 (2), 149-173, 2021
Blended and online learning
B Smith, C Brame
Vanderbilt University, 2020
"Seeing It From a Different Light": Adolescents' Video Reflections About Their Multimodal Compositions
BE Smith, B Dalton
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 59 (6), 719-729, 2016
Scaffolding digital literacies for disciplinary learning: Adolescents collaboratively composing multimodal science fictions
J Castek, M Manderino, BE Smith, J Shen
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 61 (1), 85-90, 2017
Transmediating argumentation: Students composing across written essays and digital videos in higher education
BE Smith, C Kiili, M Kauppinen
Computers & Education 102, 138-151, 2016
Collaborative multimodal composing: Tracing the unique partnerships of three pairs of adolescents composing across three digital projects
BE Smith
Literacy 53 (1), 14-21, 2019
Designing discipline-specific roles for interdisciplinary learning: two comparative cases in an afterschool STEM+ L programme
S Jiang, J Shen, BE Smith
International Journal of Science Education 41 (6), 803-826, 2019
“It made me think in a different way”: Bilingual students’ perspectives on multimodal composing in the English language arts classroom
BE Smith, N Amgott, I Malova
Tesol Quarterly 56 (2), 525-551, 2022
Teachers as designers: Multimodal immersion and strategic reading on the Internet.
B Dalton, BE Smith
Research in the Schools 19 (1), 2012
Patterns of Physics Reasoning in Face-to-Face and Online Forum Collaboration Around a Digital Game
G Van Eaton, DB Clark, BE Smith
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 3 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20