Horace H S Ip
Horace H S Ip
Professor of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Discriminative wavelet shape descriptors for recognition of 2-D patterns
D Shen, HHS Ip
Pattern recognition 32 (2), 151-165, 1999
Computer-assisted three-dimensional surgical planning and simulation: 3D virtual osteotomy
J Xia, HHS Ip, N Samman, D Wang, CSB Kot, RWK Yeung, H Tideman
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 29 (1), 11-17, 2000
Enhance emotional and social adaptation skills for children with autism spectrum disorder: A virtual reality enabled approach
HHS Ip, SWL Wong, DFY Chan, J Byrne, C Li, VSN Yuan, KSY Lau, ...
Computers & Education 117, 1-15, 2018
Constructing a 3D individualized head model from two orthogonal views
H hs Ip, L Yin
The visual computer 12, 254-266, 1996
Using virtual reality to train emotional and social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder
SNV Yuan, HHS Ip
London journal of primary care 10 (4), 110-112, 2018
Virtual brush: a model-based synthesis of Chinese calligraphy
HTF Wong, HHS Ip
Computers & Graphics 24 (1), 99-113, 2000
Three-dimensional virtual reality surgical planning and simulation workbench for orthognathic surgery.
J Xia, N Samman, RW Yeung, SG Shen, D Wang, HH Ip, H Tideman
The International journal of adult orthodontics and orthognathic surgery 15 …, 2000
Computer-assisted three-dimensional surgical planning and simulation: 3D soft tissue planning and prediction
J Xia, N Samman, RWK Yeung, D Wang, SGF Shen, HHS Ip, H Tideman
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 29 (4), 250-258, 2000
Three-dimensional virtual-reality surgical planning and soft-tissue prediction for orthognathic surgery
J Xia, HHS Ip, N Samman, HTF Wong, J Gateno, D Wang, RWK Yeung, ...
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 5 (2), 97-107, 2001
Symmetry detection by generalized complex (GC) moments: a close-form solution
D Shen, HHS Ip, KKT Cheung, EK Teoh
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 21 (5), 466-476, 1999
A robust watermarking scheme for 3D triangular mesh models
Z Yu, HHS Ip, LF Kwok
Pattern recognition 36 (11), 2603-2614, 2003
Histological image retrieval based on semantic content analysis
HL Tang, R Hanka, HHS Ip
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 7 (1), 26-36, 2003
Generalized affine invariant image normalization
D Shen, HHS Ip
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 19 (5), 431-440, 1997
A neural root finder of polynomials based on root moments
DS Huang, HHS Ip, Z Chi
Neural Computation 16 (8), 1721-1762, 2004
Zeroing polynomials using modified constrained neural network approach
DS Huang, HHS Ip, KCK Law, Z Chi
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 16 (3), 721-732, 2005
An affine-invariant active contour model (AI-snake) for model-based segmentation
HHS Ip, D Shen
Image and vision computing 16 (2), 135-146, 1998
Exhaustive and efficient constraint propagation: A graph-based learning approach and its applications
Z Lu, Y Peng
International journal of computer vision 103 (3), 306-325, 2013
Constrained spectral clustering via exhaustive and efficient constraint propagation
Z Lu, HHS Ip
Computer Vision–ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2010
A preliminary study of computer recognition and identification of skeletal landmarks as a new method of cephalometric analysis
AM Cohen, HHS Ip, AD Linney
British Journal of Orthodontics 11 (3), 143-154, 1984
Enhancing collaborative intrusion detection networks against insider attacks using supervised intrusion sensitivity-based trust management model
W Li, W Meng, LF Kwok, HS Horace
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 77, 135-145, 2017
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Articles 1–20