Teresa Guasch
Cited by
Cited by
University teacher competencies in a virtual teaching/learning environment: Analysis of a teacher training experience
T Guasch, I Alvarez, A Espasa
Teaching and Teacher Education 26 (2), 199-206, 2010
University teacher roles and competencies in online learning environments: a theoretical analysis of teaching and learning practices
I Álvarez, T Guasch, A Espasa
European Journal of Teacher Education 32 (3), 321-336, 2009
Portfolio electrónico: desarrollo de competencias profesionales en la Red
E Barberà, G Bautista, A Espasa, T Guasch
Rev. U. Soc. Conocimiento 3, 55, 2006
The value of feedback in improving collaborative writing assignments in an online learning environment
I Alvarez, A Espasa, T Guasch
Studies in Higher Education 37 (4), 387-400, 2012
Effects of feedback on collaborative writing in an online learning environment
T Guasch, A Espasa, IM Alvarez, PA Kirschner
Distance education 34 (3), 324-338, 2013
Does the type of feedback channel used in online learning environments matter? Students’ perceptions and impact on learning
A Espasa, RM Mayordomo, T Guasch, M Martinez-Melo
Active Learning in Higher Education 23 (1), 49-63, 2022
Diseño de estrategias interactivas para la construcción de conocimiento profesional en entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje
I Álvarez, T Guasch
Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 2006
Prácticas del portafolio electrónico en el ámbito universitario del Estado Español
T Guasch, LG Ortiz, E Barberà
Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 2009
A Dialogic Feedback Index measuring key aspects of feedback processes in online learning environments
A Espasa, T Guasch, RM Mayordomo, M Martínez-Melo, D Carless
Higher Education Research & Development 37 (3), 499-513, 2018
The art of questioning in online learning environments: the potentialities of feedback in writing
T Guasch, A Espasa, M Martinez-Melo
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 44 (1), 111-123, 2019
Recommendations on Formative Assessment and Feedback Practices for stronger engagement in MOOCs
N Floratos, T Guasch, A Espasa
Open Praxis 7 (2), 141-152, 2015
Perception of online feedback and its impact on cognitive and emotional engagement with feedback
RM Mayordomo, A Espasa, T Guasch, M Martínez-Melo
Education and Information Technologies 27 (6), 7947-7971, 2022
Analysis of Feedback Processes in Online Group Interaction: A Methodological Model.
A Espasa, T Guasch, IM Alvarez
Digital Education Review 23, 59-73, 2013
Technology educational affordance: Bringing the gap between patterns of interaction and technology usage
A Badia, E Barbera, T Guasch, A Espasa
Digital Education Review, 20-35, 2011
La escuela en la sociedad red. Internet en el ámbito educativo no universitario
C Sigalés, JM Mominó, A Forniales, T Guasch, A Espasa
Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2004
Aproximación a la enseñanza de la toma de apuntes en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria: un estudio descriptivo
T Guasch, M Castelló
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 25 (2), 169-181, 2002
Cognitive attainment in online learning environments: matching cognitive and technological presence
E Gregori, E Torras, T Guasch
Interactive Learning Environments 20 (5), 467-483, 2012
Las estrategias de aprendizaje: conceptualización y líneas de investigación
M Castelló, T Guasch, E Liesa
Memorias de la V Conferencia Internacional de Ciencias de la Educación, 1999
Learning and Teaching Writing Online
M Deane, T Guasch
Brill, 2015
Roles and domains to teach in online learning environments: educational ICT competency framework for university teachers
T Guasch, I Alvarez, A Espasa
Changing Cultures in Higher Education: Moving Ahead to Future Learning, 339-353, 2010
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Articles 1–20