Karen D Arnold
Cited by
Cited by
Reconceptualizing research on college student peer culture
KA Renn, KD Arnold
The journal of higher education 74 (3), 261-291, 2003
Lives of promise: What becomes of high school valedictorians: A fourteen-year study of achievement and life choices.
KD Arnold
Jossey-Bass, 1995
The Ecology of College Readiness: ASHE Higher Education Report Volume 38, Number 5
KD Arnold, EC Lu, KJ Armstrong
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Beyond Terman: Contemporary longitudinal studies of giftedness and talent.
RFE Subotnik, KD Arnold
This book stems from the 1989 meeting of the American Educational Research …, 1994
Stemming the tide of summer melt: An experimental study of the effects of post-high school summer intervention on low-income students’ college enrollment
BL Castleman, K Arnold, KL Wartman
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 5 (1), 1-17, 2012
Undergraduate aspirations and career outcomes of academically talented women: A discriminant analysis*
KD Arnold
Roeper Review 15 (3), 169-175, 1993
The fulfillment of promise: Minority valedictorians and salutatorians
KD Arnold
The Review of Higher Education 16 (3), 257-283, 1993
Remarkable women: Perspectives on female talent development
KD Arnold, KD Noble, RF Subotnik
Hampton Press (NJ), 1996
The summer flood: The invisible gap among low-income students
K Arnold, S Fleming, M DeAnda, B Castleman, KL Wartman
Thought & Action 25, 23-34, 2009
To thine own self be true: A new model of female talent development
KD Noble, RF Subotnik, KD Arnold
Gifted Child Quarterly 43 (3), 140-149, 1999
Academically talented women in the 1980s: The Illinois Valedictorian Project.
KD Arnold
Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 1993
Beyond Bloom: Revisiting environmental factors that enhance or impede talent development
RF Subotnik, P Olszewski-Kubilius, KD Arnold
Rethinking gifted education, 227-238, 2003
College student development and academic life: Psychological, intellectual, social and moral issues
K Arnold, PG Altbach, IC King
Routledge, 2014
Passing through the gates: Career establishment of talented women scientists
RF Subotnik, KD Arnold
Roeper Review 18 (1), 55-61, 1995
The lives of academic achievers: The career aspirations of male and female high school valedictorians and salutatorians.
KD Arnold, T Denny
The Illinois valedictorian project: Early adult careers of academically talented male high school students
KA Arnold
BeyondTerman: Contemporary longitudinal studies of giftedness and talent …, 1994
Advisor and student experiences of summer support for college-intending, low-income high school graduates
KD Arnold, A Chewning, B Castleman, L Page
Journal of College Access 1 (1), 3, 2015
A new model for adult female talent development: A synthesis of perspectives from Remarkable Women
KD Noble, RF Subotnik, KD Arnold
Remarkable women: Perspectives on female talent development, 427-439, 1996
Lessons from contemporary longitudinal studies
KD Arnold, RF Subotnik
Beyond Terman: Contemporary longitudinal studies of giftedness and talent …, 1994
The case for a comprehensive model of college readiness
KD Arnold, EC Lu, KJ Armstrong
ASHE Higher Education Report 38 (5), 1-10, 2012
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