César Martínez
César Martínez
Professor, Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
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Cited by
Video-oculography eye tracking towards clinical applications: A review
AJ Larrazabal, CEG Cena, CE Martínez
Computers in biology and medicine 108, 57-66, 2019
Acoustic analysis of speech for detection of laryngeal pathologies
CE Martinez, HL Rufiner
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2000
Post-DAE: anatomically plausible segmentation via post-processing with denoising autoencoders
AJ Larrazabal, C Martínez, B Glocker, E Ferrante
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (12), 3813-3820, 2020
Anatomical priors for image segmentation via post-processing with denoising autoencoders
AJ Larrazabal, C Martinez, E Ferrante
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
Development and evaluation of an automatic software for management zone delineation
EM Albornoz, AC Kemerer, R Galarza, N Mastaglia, R Melchiori, ...
Precision Agriculture 19, 463-476, 2018
Discriminative power of acoustic features for jaw movement classification in cattle and sheep
JR Galli, DH Milone, CA Cangiano, CE Martínez, EA Laca, JO Chelotti, ...
Bioacoustics 29 (5), 602-616, 2020
Orthogonal ensemble networks for biomedical image segmentation
AJ Larrazabal, C Martínez, J Dolz, E Ferrante
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
The anodic oxidation of thiocyanate ion dissolved as KSCN in dimethylsulphoxide
C Martinez, AJ Calandra, AJ Arvia
Electrochimica Acta 17 (12), 2153-2179, 1972
A brief analysis of u-net and mask r-cnn for skin lesion segmentation
E Alfaro, XB Fonseca, EM Albornoz, CE Martínez, SC Ramrez
2019 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI …, 2019
Development of a Kinect-based exergaming system for motor rehabilitation in neurological disorders
A Estepa, SS Piriz, E Albornoz, C Martínez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 705 (1), 012060, 2016
Seguridad y salud en el trabajo
C Martínez, M Reyes
Estrés laboral y cáncer 46, 46-50, 2008
Bioinspired sparse spectro-temporal representation of speech for robust classification
C Martínez, J Goddard, D Milone, H Rufiner
Computer Speech & Language 26 (5), 336-348, 2012
Denoising sound signals in a bioinspired non-negative spectro-temporal domain
CE Martínez, J Goddard, LE Di Persia, DH Milone, HL Rufiner
Digital Signal Processing 38, 22-31, 2015
Multimodal emotion recognition using deep networks
C Fadil, R Alvarez, C Martinez, J Goddard, H Rufiner
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná …, 2015
Segmentation of pigmented skin lesions using non-negative matrix factorization
PG Cavalcanti, J Scharcanski, CE Martínez, LE Di Persia
2014 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2014
Maximum Entropy on Erroneous Predictions (MEEP): Improving model calibration for medical image segmentation
A Larrazabal, C Martinez, J Dolz, E Ferrante
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.12218, 2021
Auditory cortical representations of speech signals for phoneme classification
HL Rufiner, CE Martínez, DH Milone, J Goddard
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1004-1014, 2007
Study of complexity in normal and pathological speech signals
ME Torres, LG Gamero, HL Rufiner, C Martínez, DH Milone, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Genetic wrapper approach for automatic diagnosis of speech disorders related to Autism
EM Albornoz, LD Vignolo, CE Martinez, DH Milone
2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and …, 2013
Identificación automática de zonas de manejo en lotes productivos agrıcolas
R Galarza, MN Mastaglia, EM Albornoz, C Martınez
V congreso argentino de agroinformática (CAI) e 42da. JAIIO, 2013
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Articles 1–20