Sources of power: How people make decisions GA Klein MIT press, 2017 | 6534 | 2017 |
Conditions for intuitive expertise: a failure to disagree. D Kahneman, G Klein American psychologist 64 (6), 515, 2009 | 3513 | 2009 |
Naturalistic decision making G Klein Human factors 50 (3), 456-460, 2008 | 3032 | 2008 |
A recognition-primed decision (RPD) model of rapid decision making GA Klein Decision making in action: Models and methods 5 (4), 138-147, 1993 | 2372 | 1993 |
Decision making in action: Models and methods J Orasanu, R Calderwood, CE Zsambok Ablex, 1993 | 1910 | 1993 |
Working minds: a practitioner’s guide to cognitive task analysis B Crandall MIT Press, 2006 | 1901 | 2006 |
Critical decision method for eliciting knowledge GA Klein, R Calderwood, D Macgregor IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 19 (3), 462-472, 1989 | 1647 | 1989 |
Naturalistic decision making CE Zsambok, G Klein Psychology Press, 2014 | 1598 | 2014 |
Recognition-primed decisions G Klein Ergonomics: major writings 271, 271-307, 2005 | 1471 | 2005 |
Making sense of sensemaking 1: Alternative perspectives G Klein, B Moon, RR Hoffman IEEE intelligent systems 21 (4), 70-73, 2006 | 1411 | 2006 |
Taking stock of naturalistic decision making R Lipshitz, G Klein, J Orasanu, E Salas Journal of behavioral decision making 14 (5), 331-352, 2001 | 1396 | 2001 |
Metrics for explainable AI: Challenges and prospects RR Hoffman, ST Mueller, G Klein, J Litman arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.04608, 2018 | 1027 | 2018 |
The power of intuition: How to use your gut feelings to make better decisions at work G Klein Crown Currency, 2004 | 959 | 2004 |
Rapid decision making on the fire ground GA Klein, R Calderwood, A Clinton-Cirocco Proceedings of the human factors society annual meeting 30 (6), 576-580, 1986 | 940 | 1986 |
Making sense of sensemaking 2: A macrocognitive model G Klein, B Moon, RR Hoffman IEEE Intelligent systems 21 (5), 88-92, 2006 | 888 | 2006 |
Eliciting knowledge from experts: A methodological analysis RR Hoffman, NR Shadbolt, AM Burton, G Klein Organizational behavior and human decision processes 62 (2), 129-158, 1995 | 871 | 1995 |
Intuition at work: Why developing your gut instincts will make you better at what you do GA Klein (No Title), 2003 | 778 | 2003 |
A data–frame theory of sensemaking G Klein, JK Phillips, EL Rall, DA Peluso Expertise out of context, 118-160, 2007 | 739 | 2007 |
Streetlights and shadows: Searching for the keys to adaptive decision making GA Klein Mit Press, 2011 | 672 | 2011 |
Macrocognition G Klein, KG Ross, BM Moon, DE Klein, RR Hoffman, E Hollnagel IEEE intelligent systems 18 (3), 81-85, 2003 | 609 | 2003 |