Anne Laurent
Anne Laurent
LIRMM University of Montpellier CNRS
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The next information architecture evolution: the data lake wave
C Madera, A Laurent
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on management of digital …, 2016
Mining frequent gradual itemsets from large databases
L Di-Jorio, A Laurent, M Teisseire
International symposium on intelligent data analysis, 297-308, 2009
Text classification and co-training from positive and unlabeled examples
F Denis, A Laurent, R Gilleron, M Tommasi
Proceedings of the ICML 2003 workshop: the continuum from labeled to …, 2003
Mining multidimensional and multilevel sequential patterns
M Plantevit, A Laurent, D Laurent, M Teisseire, YW Choong
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 4 (1), 1-37, 2010
Reduce, you say: What nosql can do for data aggregation and bi in large repositories
L Bonnet, A Laurent, M Sala, B Laurent, N Sicard
2011 22nd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2011
Assessment and predictor determination of indoor aldehyde levels in Paris newborn babies’ homes.
C Dassonville, C Demattei, AM Laurent, YL Moullec, N Seta, I Momas
Indoor Air 19 (4), 2009
Graank: Exploiting rank correlations for extracting gradual itemsets
A Laurent, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 8th International Conference, FQAS 2009 …, 2009
M2SP: Mining Sequential Patterns Among Several Dimensions
M Plantevit, YW Choong, A Laurent, D Laurent, M Teisseire
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2005: 9th European Conference on …, 2005
Guide pour la mise en œuvre de la gouvernance en appui au développement durable des territoires
H Rey-Valette, M Pinto, P Maurel, E Chia, PY Guihéneuf, L Michel, ...
auto-saisine, 2011
Sequential patterns for text categorization
S Jaillet, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Intelligent Data Analysis 10 (3), 199-214, 2006
Smokers' behaviour and exposure according to cigarette yield and smoking experience
J Hee, F Callais, I Momas, AM Laurent, S Min, P Molinier, M Chastagnier, ...
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 52 (1), 195-203, 1995
Pglcm: Efficient parallel mining of closed frequent gradual itemsets
TDT Do, A Laurent, A Termier
2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 138-147, 2010
Microstructural characterization of internal welding defects and their effect on the tensile behavior of FSW joints of AA2198 Al-Cu-Li alloy
T Le Jolu, TF Morgeneyer, A Denquin, M Sennour, A Laurent, J Besson, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 5531-5544, 2014
Design, synthesis, chemical stability, packing, cyclic voltammetry, ionisation potential, and charge transport of [1] benzothieno [3, 2-b][1] benzothiophene derivatives
C Ruzié, J Karpinska, A Laurent, L Sanguinet, S Hunter, TD Anthopoulos, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (22), 4863-4879, 2016
S2MP: similarity measure for sequential patterns
H Saneifar, S Bringay, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Data Mining Conference-Volume 87, 95-104, 2008
Fast extraction of gradual association rules: a heuristic based method
L Di Jorio, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Soft computing as …, 2008
Representing history in graph-oriented NoSQL databases: A versioning system
A Castelltort, A Laurent
Eighth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM …, 2013
From crispness to fuzziness: Three algorithms for soft sequential pattern mining
C Fiot, A Laurent, M Teisseire
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 15 (6), 1263-1277, 2007
A fuzzy associative classification approach for recommender systems
JP Lucas, A Laurent, MN Moreno, M Teisseire
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2012
Fuzzy queries over NoSQL graph databases: perspectives for extending the cypher language
A Castelltort, A Laurent
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based …, 2014
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Articles 1–20