Mohamed Eltoweissy (M. Eltoweissy)
Mohamed Eltoweissy (M. Eltoweissy)
Associate Dean of Research and Professor, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences
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Cited by
Towards autonomous vehicular clouds: a position paper
M Eltoweissy, S Olariu, M Younis
Ad Hoc Networks: Second International Conference, ADHOCNETS 2010, Victoria …, 2010
Location-aware combinatorial key management scheme for clustered sensor networks
MF Younis, K Ghumman, M Eltoweissy
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 17 (8), 865-882, 2006
Dynamic key management in sensor networks
M Eltoweissy, M Moharrum, R Mukkamala
IEEE Communications magazine 44 (4), 122-130, 2006
Combinatorial optimization of group key management
M Eltoweissy, MH Heydari, L Morales, IH Sudborough
Journal of Network and Systems Management 12, 33-50, 2004
On handling QoS traffic in wireless sensor networks
M Younis, K Akkaya, M Eltoweissy, A Wadaa
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Training a wireless sensor network
A Wadaa, S Olariu, L Wilson, M Eltoweissy, K Jones
Mobile Networks and Applications 10, 151-168, 2005
Privacy on the Web: facts, challenges, and solutions
ARA Bouguettaya, MY Eltoweissy
IEEE Security & Privacy 1 (6), 40-49, 2003
A reputation-based mechanism for isolating selfish nodes in ad hoc networks
MT Refaei, V Srivastava, L DaSilva, M Eltoweissy
The Second Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2005
Adaptive fault-tolerant QoS control algorithms for maximizing system lifetime of query-based wireless sensor networks
R Chen, AP Speer, M Eltoweissy
IEEE Transactions on dependable and secure computing 8 (2), 161-176, 2010
Service-oriented sensor–actuator networks: Promises, challenges, and the road ahead
A Rezgui, M Eltoweissy
Computer Communications 30 (13), 2627-2648, 2007
Wireless sensor networks: leveraging the virtual infrastructure
S Olariu, A Wada, L Wilson, M Eltoweissy
IEEE network 18 (4), 51-56, 2004
Software visualization
D Gračanin, K Matković, M Eltoweissy
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 1 (2), 221-230, 2005
Adaptation of reputation management systems to dynamic network conditions in ad hoc networks
MT Refaei, LA DaSilva, M Eltoweissy, T Nadeem
IEEE Transactions on Computers 59 (5), 707-719, 2010
Group key management scheme for large-scale sensor networks
M Eltoweissy, A Wadaa, S Olariu, L Wilson
Ad Hoc Networks 3 (5), 668-688, 2005
Authentication protocols for ad hoc networks: taxonomy and research issues
N Aboudagga, MT Refaei, M Eltoweissy, LA DaSilva, JJ Quisquater
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Quality of service …, 2005
A service-centric model for wireless sensor networks
D Gracanin, M Eltoweissy, A Wadaa, LA DaSilva
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23 (6), 1159-1166, 2005
On providing anonymity in wireless sensor networks
A Wadaa, S Olariu, L Wilson, M Eltoweissy, K Jones
Proceedings. Tenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed …, 2004
ANSWER: AutoNomouS netWorked sEnsoR system
S Olariu, M Eltoweissy, M Younis
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 67 (1), 111-124, 2007
Towards a new paradigm for securing wireless sensor networks
K Jones, A Wadaa, S Olariu, L Wilson, M Eltoweissy
Proceedings of the 2003 workshop on New security paradigms, 115-121, 2003
Service-oriented sensor-actuator networks [ad hoc and sensor networks]
A Rezgui, M Eltoweissy
IEEE Communications Magazine 45 (12), 92-100, 2007
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Articles 1–20