Eric Granger
Eric Granger
Professor of Systems Engineering, École de technologie supérieure, LIVIA, ILLS, REPARTI
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Cited by
Multiple Instance Learning: A Survey of Problem Characteristics and Applications
MA Carbonneau, V Cheplygina, E Granger, G Gagnon
Pattern Recognition 77, 329-353, 2018
Boundary loss for highly unbalanced segmentation
H Kervadec, J Bouchtiba, C Desrosiers, E Granger, J Dolz, I Ben Ayed
Medical Image Analysis 67, 2021
Decoupling Direction and Norm for Efficient Gradient-Based L2 Adversarial Attacks and Defenses
J Rony, LG Hafemann, LS Oliveira, I Ben Ayed, R Sabourin, E Granger
CVPR 2019: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Long …, 2019
Constrained-CNN losses for weakly supervised segmentation
H Kervadec, J Dolz, M Tang, E Granger, Y Boykov, IB Ayed
Medical Image Analysis 54, 88-99, 2019
Laplacian Regularized Few-Shot Learning
IM Ziko, J Dolz, E Granger, I Ben Ayed
ICML 2020: Int'l Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria, 2020
A unifying mutual information view of metric learning: cross-entropy vs. pairwise losses
M Boudiaf, J Rony, IM Ziko, E Granger, M Pedersoli, P Piantanida, ...
ECCV 2020: European Conf. on Computer Vision, Glasgow, UK., 548-564, 2020
The Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results
Kristan, Matej, A Leonardis, J Matas, M Felsberg, R Pflugfelder, ...
ECCVw 2022: European Conference on Computer Vision, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2022
Image Synthesis with Adversarial Networks: a Comprehensive Survey and Case Studies
P Shamsolmoali, M Zareapoor, E Granger, H Zhou, R Wang, ME Celebi, ...
Information Fusion 72, 126-146, 2021
A what-and-where fusion neural network for recognition and tracking of multiple radar emitters
E Granger, M Rubin, S Grossberg, P Lavoie
Neural Networks 14 (3), 325-344, 2001
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in the Dissimilarity Space for Person Re-identification
D Mekhazni, A Bhuiyan, G Ekladious, E Granger
ECCV 2020: European Conf. on Computer Vision, Glasgow, UK., 2020
A survey of techniques for incremental learning of HMM parameters
W Khreich, E Granger, A Miri, R Sabourin
Information Sciences 197, 105-130, 2012
Iterative Boolean combination of classifiers in the ROC space: An application to anomaly detection with HMMs
W Khreich, E Granger, A Miri, R Sabourin
Pattern Recognition 43 (8), 2732-2752, 2010
An adaptive classification system for video-based face recognition
JF Connolly, E Granger, R Sabourin
Information Sciences 192, 50-70, 2012
Multi-feature extraction and selection in writer-independent off-line signature verification
D Rivard, E Granger, R Sabourin
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 16, 83-103, 2013
Dynamic selection of generative–discriminative ensembles for off-line signature verification
L Batista, E Granger, R Sabourin
Pattern Recognition 45 (4), 1326-1340, 2012
Min-Max Entropy for Weakly Supervised Pointwise Localization
S Belharbi, J Rony, J Dolz, I Ben Ayed, L McCaffrey, E Granger
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12934, 2019
Deep learning in object detection and recognition
X Jiang, A Hadid, Y Pang, E Granger, X Feng
Springer 10, 978-981, 2019
Bounding boxes for weakly supervised segmentation: Global constraints get close to full supervision
H Kervadec, J Dolz, E Granger, I Ben Ayed
MIDL 2020: Int'l Conf. on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, Montreal, Canada., 2020
Hybrid writer‐independent–writer‐dependent offline signature verification system
GS Eskander, R Sabourin, E Granger
IET biometrics 2 (4), 169-181, 2013
Multi-region segmentation of bladder cancer structures in MRI with progressive dilated convolutional networks
J Dolz, X Xu, J Rony, J Yuan, Y Liu, E Granger, C Desrosiers, X Zhang, ...
Medical Physics, DOI: 10.1002/mp.13240, 2018
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Articles 1–20