Ali Al-Fatlawi
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient diagnosis system for Parkinson's disease using deep belief network
AH Al-Fatlawi, MH Jabardi, SH Ling
2016 IEEE Congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 1324-1330, 2016
Deep learning improves pancreatic cancer diagnosis using RNA-based variants
A Al-Fatlawi, N Malekian, S García, A Henschel, I Kim, A Dahl, B Jahnke, ...
Cancers 13 (11), 2654, 2021
Recognition physical activities with optimal number of wearable sensors using data mining algorithms and deep belief network
AH Al-Fatlawi, HK Fatlawi, SH Ling
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
A comparison of neural classifiers for graffiti recognition
A Al-Fatlawi, SS Ling, HK Lam
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Application, 2014
Is Protein BLAST a thing of the past?
A Al-Fatlawi, M Menzel, M Schroeder
nature communications 14 (1), 8195, 2023
Diatom adhesive trail proteins acquired by horizontal gene transfer from bacteria serve as primers for marine biofilm formation
J Zackova Suchanova, G Bilcke, B Romanowska, A Fatlawi, M Pippel, ...
New Phytologist 240 (2), 770-783, 2023
A genome-wide scan of wastewater E. coli for genes under positive selection: focusing on mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
N Malekian, AA Agrawal, TU Berendonk, A Al-Fatlawi, M Schroeder
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8037, 2022
Mutations in bdcA and valS Correlate with Quinolone Resistance in Wastewater Escherichia coli
N Malekian, A Al-Fatlawi, TU Berendonk, M Schroeder
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (11), 6063, 2021
The Rad52 SSAP superfamily and new insight into homologous recombination
A Al-Fatlawi, M Schroeder, AF Stewart
Communications Biology 6 (1), 87, 2023
NetRank Recovers Known Cancer Hallmark Genes as Universal Biomarker Signature for Cancer Outcome Prediction
A Al-Fatlawi, N Afrin, C Ozen, N Malekian, M Schroeder
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 2, 780229, 2022
Diagnosis system for parkinson’s disease using speech characteristics of patients and deep belief network
AH Al-Fatlawi, SH Ling, MH Jabardi
CAAI Trans. Intell. Technol. 2 (9), 246-253, 2017
Decomposing compounds enables reconstruction of interaction fingerprints for structure-based drug screening
MF Adasme, SN Bolz, A Al-Fatlawi, M Schroeder
Journal of Cheminformatics 14 (1), 17, 2022
Netrank: network-based approach for biomarker discovery
A Al-Fatlawi, E Rusadze, A Shmelkin, N Malekian, C Ozen, C Pilarsky, ...
BMC bioinformatics 24 (1), 304, 2023
Protein secondary structure and remote homology detection
A Al-Fatlawi, MB Hossen, F El-Hendi, M Schroeder
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 03.611022, 2024
The Rad52 superfamily as seen by AlphaFold
A Al-Fatlawi, MB Hossen, S de Paula Lopes, AF Stewart, M Schroeder
bioRxiv, 2024.08. 09.607149, 2024
Word-based GWAS harnesses the rich potential of genomic data for E. coli quinolone resistance
N Malekian, S Sainath, A Al-Fatlawi, M Schroeder
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1276332, 2023
The BOD1L subunit of the mammalian SETD1A complex sustains the expression of DNA damage repair genes despite restraining H3K4 trimethylation
G Ciotta, S Singh, A Gupta, DC Torres, J Fu, R Choudhury, WK Chu, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.04. 06.535882, 2023
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Articles 1–17