Xing Mei
Xing Mei
Bytedance Inc.
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Cited by
On building an accurate stereo matching system on graphics hardware
X Mei, X Sun, M Zhou, S Jiao, H Wang, X Zhang
Segment-tree based cost aggregation for stereo matching
X Mei, X Sun, W Dong, H Wang, X Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
Fast hydraulic erosion simulation and visualization on GPU
X Mei, P Decaudin, BG Hu
15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'07), 47-56, 2007
Stereo matching with reliable disparity propagation
X Sun, X Mei, S Jiao, M Zhou, H Wang
2011 International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing …, 2011
Attention-based multi-patch aggregation for image aesthetic assessment
K Sheng, W Dong, C Ma, X Mei, F Huang, BG Hu
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 879-886, 2018
LGM-Net: Learning to generate matching networks for few-shot learning
H Li, W Dong, X Mei, C Ma, F Huang, BG Hu
International conference on machine learning, 3825-3834, 2019
Three dimensional image generating system and method accomodating multi-view imaging
YJ Jung, H Wang, JW Kim, G Ma, X Mei, DS Park
US Patent App. 13/100,905, 2011
Content‐based colour transfer
F Wu, W Dong, Y Kong, X Mei, JC Paul, X Zhang
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (1), 190-203, 2013
Real-time local stereo via edge-aware disparity propagation
X Sun, X Mei, S Jiao, M Zhou, Z Liu, H Wang
Pattern Recognition Letters 49, 201-206, 2014
Simple empty-space removal for interactive volume rendering
V Vidal, X Mei, P Decaudin
Journal of Graphics Tools 13 (2), 21-36, 2008
Image retargeting by texture-aware synthesis
W Dong, F Wu, Y Kong, X Mei, TY Lee, X Zhang
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (2), 1088-1101, 2015
Learning completed discriminative local features for texture classification
Z Zhang, S Liu, X Mei, B Xiao, L Zheng
Pattern Recognition 67, 263-275, 2017
Data-driven synthesis of cartoon faces using different styles
Y Zhang, W Dong, C Ma, X Mei, K Li, F Huang, BG Hu, O Deussen
IEEE Transactions on image processing 26 (1), 464-478, 2016
Realistic simulation of seasonal variant maples
N Zhou, W Dong, X Mei
2006 Second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling and …, 2006
Animated construction of Chinese brush paintings
F Tang, W Dong, Y Meng, X Mei, F Huang, X Zhang, O Deussen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (12), 3019-3031, 2017
Abnormal event detection via compact low-rank sparse learning
Z Zhang, X Mei, B Xiao
IEEE Intelligent Systems 31 (2), 29-36, 2015
Simulation and visualisation of functional landscapes: effects of the water resource competition between plants
V Le Chevalier, M Jaeger, X Mei, PH Cournède
Journal of computer science and technology 22 (6), 835-845, 2007
Unsupervised ranking of multi-attribute objects based on principal curves
CG Li, X Mei, BG Hu
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 (12), 3404-3416, 2015
Principal observation ray calibration for tiled-lens-array integral imaging display
W Li, H Wang, M Zhou, S Wang, S Jiao, X Mei, T Hong, H Lee, J Kim
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Feature-aware natural texture synthesis
F Wu, W Dong, Y Kong, X Mei, DM Yan, X Zhang, JC Paul
The Visual Computer 32, 43-55, 2016
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Articles 1–20